SuperCopier: Best Alternative For Windows Copy, Move Tool

Last month, we wrote about TeraCopy, a great alternative to the slow Windows copy/move tool. This application is really great for everyday general file processing, but as we all know, nothing is perfect and there is always scope for development. Now I want to introduce you to a better file copy handler, move.

SuperCopier is another feature-rich Windows explorer file copy/move alternative. It has some more value-added features than TeraCopy, making it much more user-friendly.

Super star

Using SuperCopier

There are two ways you can use SuperCopier on your computer. You can integrate it with your Windows shell (which is what I prefer) or use it as a standalone application. This option can be configured at the time of installation.


If you have it integrated into your Windows shell, the program will automatically launch whenever you invoke any file copy/move instance. Otherwise, if you haven’t already, you need to launch the program from the taskbar every time you want to copy files using SuperCopier.

Copy files

Some great features of SuperCopier

In addition to basic features like pause and resume queue support and buffer replication control, it also comes with some other cool features.

Priority list of files

Priority list

Everything in life has an order of precedence, and so sometimes you may want to get a particular file in the copied list before the others. To change the priority of a file in the copy list, simply move the specific file up or down the queue using the arrow keys next to the list.

Copy save/load list

Save copy list

With SuperCopier, you can save the copy list and continue it even after the computer restarts, loading the list from the hard disk. This feature may not be useful in daily file copying/moving needs but it will help a lot when you are copying a huge amount of data from the local network and there is no guarantee when the server can go offline.

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My judgment

Although still in beta, SuperCopier looks promising to me. The program has many interesting features and at the same time is very reliable. I have tried both programs, TeraCopy and SuperCopier, and I can say with certainty that the latter impresses me more than the former.

Categories: How to

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