Superb Android App to Fight Text Neck

Been staring at the phone for a while, eh? Can you feel the weight slowly rise up your neck?

Congratulations, you are the latest victim of ancient writing. Due to constantly staring at your phone or tablet, many people are falling victim to the increasingly common archaic (reading as stiff neck) problem. If left untreated, it can lead to many serious illnesses, including chronic upper back pain.

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There are certainly ways to avoid archaic writing, but why not turn to the very thing that is causing us problems? You guessed right – smartphone.

This isn’t the first time I’ve written this, nor the last, but the Play store is full of great apps.

Ranging from apps that multiply your productivity, to apps that help you relax. And luckily, it also doesn’t fall behind when it comes to reminding you that you’ve been glued to your cell phone for a long time.

Say hello to Posture – be mindful, this feature will remind you at regular intervals that you’ve been staring at your phone for too long. So hurry in and see how this app works.

Posture – be mindful

Posture is a lightweight and easy-to-use app that has only one job to do — to keep you from getting stiff necks or text. The human head weighs about 10 to 11 pounds, and when you lean forward to read from your cell phone, it puts extra pressure on your neck and the weight increases depending on the leaning position.

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As the Washington Post put it: “At a 15-degree angle, this is about 27 pounds, at a 30-degree angle it’s 40 pounds, at a 45-degree angle it’s 49 pounds, and at a 60-degree angle it’s 60 pounds.”

How does posture work?

The pose works in a way that seems easy. It will remind you with a notification or vibration that you’ve been staring at your phone for too long and it’s time for you to bring it up to eye level. It uses the phone’s built-in accelerometer to measure the tilt angle.

Be mindful

Notifications will arrive via screen overlay and are quite subtle. All you need to do is select the location you want to see and that’s it.


The pose has its own customization options like choosing an overlay color or choosing an overlay style.

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Depending on the type of monitoring you want, you can set the level of strictness. The rigor makes the app closely monitor your activity.

Currently, it has Newbie, Medium and Ultra. I suggest, go with the Newcomer, just to get the hang of it and move on when the habit is ingrained.


The built-in reminder system can be adjusted to remind you anytime between 30 seconds (extreme) to 10 minutes. At first, I gave it a minute and although it annoyed me, I eventually learned to stick to it. Health is wealth, you see.

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Another good thing is, one can also use this app as a reminder system to get back to work. With all the social media distractions and chaotic conversations in WhatsApp groups, I can say it’s a win-win situation.

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Extra Features

Posture doesn’t remind you of your bad postures, it also provides clear statistics about your habits. So if you continue to stare at your screen even after the bell has gone off, it will reflect on this sheet (just like a school report card).

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More than that

Posture – please note that there is not only one app in the Play Store, there is another called Posture Reminder with most of the same core functionality.

Although the application seems simple, following it is not. You want to steal for a few minutes even when the siren sounds. And while you try it, leave us some health tips, okay?

Also read: Top 7 simple health and fitness tips for busy people

Categories: How to

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