Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge: How to Use the Edges Like a Pro

When I first learned that Samsung was introducing a phone with touchscreen edges, my reaction was somewhere between “A what??” and not. No.” How can a screen stretch along the edges of your phone be practical, and moreover, why would that increase convenience or productivity? .

Shutterstock 245034832Just like Samsung, this guy likes to walk on the edge. Image via Shutterstock.

But then I see Edge. And keep Edge. And yes, I even touched the soft curves of its lithe and attractive body. Needless to say, no matter how strange the concept, the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is a piece of beautiful hardware. And in addition to being aesthetically pleasing, the phone has quite a few interesting and unique features.

Let’s find out what edges are, including the settings of the S6 Edge, whether they are useful or not, and the functions the edges can serve in the future. In a nutshell, let’s see how to become a professional ‘edge’ user.

Pick an edge, any edge

Unlike the Galaxy Note Edge, which only curves on the right edge, the S6 Edge’s screen is curved on both the left and right edges of the phone. Double the edges, double the fun, right?


Not exactly exactly. One of the options you can set is called Edge screen positiongive you the option to place Left or Right as your active edge. This means that whichever side you choose is the only party assigned to each edge-specific actions to occur. So you’re still using only one edge.

To set the side you want to use, go to Apps > Settings > Edge screen and here at the bottom you will see Edge screen position. Click that and make your selection.

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The ability to select your favorite edge is useful for lefties, which is a problem with the Note Edge. In addition, the dual curves give the S6 Edge more graceful symmetry.

You can find all the built-in Edge settings in Applications > Settings. Then hit edge screen under the Devices and Viola heading, there’s your Edge menu. Remember this. We will revisit it many times.

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Once you’ve chosen your preferred edge, there are a few things you can do to further customize your edge experience.

Edge Screen & Status Bar

The first of which includes the Edge Status bar and Edge Notifications. In the Edge menu, select Information line and make sure the switch at the top is turned on ABOVE.

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When your phone is in standby and the screen is off, simply swipe the indicated edge and the slim, unobtrusive status bar will pop up.

The Edge status bar is great when you want to check what’s going on but you don’t want to have the entire screen on. For example, in the cinema, where you want to check the time quickly and stealthily. Or at night when you want to reassure yourself that your alarm has been set correctly. Next to the time and alarm, you’ll see the temperature, location, and battery percentage.

If you don’t see the weather information, go to Information Stream > Weather and under Show weather information, turn on Edge screen ABOVE.


This method saves battery life because you don’t have to light up the entire screen. It’s also less likely to disturb your night vision or feisty moviegoers.

Swipe left or right to view different feeds, such as Device Notifications, Twitter trends, or RSS Feeds. You can tap to launch details of what you’re viewing to the home screen. One thing that annoys me is that when I swipe to the feeds I can rotate between the different feeds but I can’t go back to the status bar unless I press the screen lock button and then activate it again Edge screen.

To change how long you want the status bar (or Edge Screen as they call it) to stay on, go to the Edge menu and tap Info Flow > Edge Screen Timeout. You will have a range of options from 15 seconds to 10 minutes.

Customize your feed

I mentioned above that when your home screen is idle, you can still use the Edge screen to view custom feeds. To enable these from the Edge menu, go to Information line And after that Manage feeds.

From here, you can select and rearrange the feeds you want on your Edge status bar. Furthermore, you can customize individual feeds via Gear icon, which will take you to specific settings.

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Go Download the feed to browse and get special Edge add-ons. My favorite is the RSS feed, which we’ll explore in more detail in a future article.

Night clock

If you want to be able to flip through your phone at night and see the time without having to reach out and rub the edge, you’re in luck.

Night clock

Use your edge screen as a clock by turning on night clock and specify how long you want the night clock to stay on the display. For example, you can set it from 10pm – 8am, and during those hours, the time will show dimly on the edge of your phone.



Choose 5 of your favorite contacts to include in People Edge. When using the phone there will be a tab that you can swipe to quickly display these 5 contacts so you can easily contact them at any time.


Each person will also be assigned a unique color, so when you receive a message or missed call from that contact, an additional tab of that color will appear on your edge. Swipe to expand the tab and view notifications for that contact.


edge lighting

This last feature is nice but a bit complicated. With Edge Lighting, you can place your phone face down on a flat surface and still receive alerts about notifications or calls even when your phone is on silent. How? The specified edge will light up to let you know. The problem is, for me, it only seems to work when receiving calls.

But when it works, the light is clearly visible from the side of the phone.

Dsc04264WA view of the S6 Edge from the right side. You can clearly see the thin strip of the screen.

Something else?

While that’s all for now, I really hope to see Samsung do even more with Edges in the future. Since this is a rather unique design, many third-party developers will work on creating Edge apps until it becomes more popular.

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I’d like to see the edges used to list and launch frequently used apps. The Edge screen can also serve as great camera and music controls. These features were available with the Note version but for some reason are still not available on the S6 Edge.

Furthermore, adding a thin widget bar that can be used to toggle settings like silent mode or mobile data without turning on the home screen would be appreciated. I can find the edges to be really useful for one-handed use on large screen devices. All of this and more would be possible if Samsung allowed users to customize the use of two edges. Hopefully we’ll see some examples of this soon.


I’m a bit disappointed that you can still only use one edge at a time, and the S6 Edge really lacks some useful features that the previous Edge model had.

That aside, the phone itself is amazing and I would definitely recommend it to anyone not looking for a phablet. Just remember to order a case as the phone is quite slippery. As for me, I’ll wait to get my Edges until the legendary Note 5 arrives.

How about you? Is the edge worth it or a waste? Let us know what you think and let us know about your Edge experience in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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