Salesforce Data Loader: Guide for Beginners

Salesforce Data Loader: Guide for Beginners

Have you ever built a house? Even non-architects know that a typical house needs groundwork, walls, and a roof to be called a house. Every element is a must-have in this construction, but no house is without groundwork. 

So, if you wanna live in a house named “My Successful Business,” your first brick in its groundwork is data management. And it would be cool to find an honest Genie, like a Salesforce Data Loader, ready to help you build it. 

Why this one? Because you need nothing to start the work except a laptop, an internet connection, and the opened app.

Still, sound strange? Ok, stay ready; we’re rubbing the lamp.

Why Data Management Matters

Imagine that each piece of data is a brick your house will be built with. Data management is your architect in building a house, polishing each data brick and helping you decide where to create an internal wall, where to add a window to see a perfect view, and so on. 

DID YOU KNOW?Data Loader is free for 30 days with all Salesforce editions and is perfect for managing lots of records.

The magic word here is “analysis“. It saves time and costs and makes you successful just because you know everything about your business, neighbors, and competitors and what’s next to step higher than everyone else, especially if you’re a stranger in this race.

What is a Salesforce Data Loader

Do you still remember Genie? Data Loader Salesforce is his first name. What is this wizard capable of doing with your data bricks? Almost everything you need on this step for your success. His job is data export and import. With him, you can import CSV files manually, or store them on FTP or cloud file storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box and automate Salesforce data export.

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The second name is Convenience. You can set the schedule and have a cup of coffee or tea while waiting for your data integration tasks to analyze what’s going on for further work.

Getting started & Basic operations

You may ask Genie for two wishes called Data Import and Export business scenarios.  


While building the house, we wanna be sure that our architect’s plan is kind of enchanted. But even this enchantment named Data Import is based on four working things explaining why we need it.

  1. Cool Automatic data transfer without errors to save you time for another cup of tea or coffee.
  1. Perfect data accuracy, especially if you work with big data through different systems and formats.
  1. Level up the data management with accurate and consistent data.
  1. Strong BI support. Your Information is in the correct format and ready for report and analysis anytime.

So, now you know why, let’s see how. You may upload CSV files for import manually from a storage service or upload them from a database or cloud app in a few clicks. Just select the source type, connection, and target, set the task up, save the story, and run it. 

If the scenario needs some corrections and updates, click the magic scenario name in Task Editor, select the operation in the Target Definition tab, and have fun in the Mapping definition tab at last. Don’t forget to save the changes when finished.


The same story with export. We still need to understand how the magic works. So the similar four reasons are here:

  1. Backup  – Just to be sure that you still have your information accessible.
  1. Analysis – For instance, you may manually export data from Salesforce to CSV to simplify the reporting and analysis.
  1. Data migration – the scenario when we need to migrate information between different CRMs depending on the reality] via CSV file.
  1. Compliance – You’re on time with your information according to governmental regulations.
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The export scenario is simple. Select the source (Salesforce), target type (CSV download manually), or (CSV to storage service), add the task in the Task Editor, create the scenario, and run it. And, of course, don’t forget about the Monitor and Log tabs to download the exported file. Genie says “Hello” to Cinderella at this step and reminds everyone not to forget to download the Salesforce export file within seven days of the component run

Common challenges

How to cure skinned knees while working with Salesforce Data Loader? Let’s see. 

  1. Navigation: Salesforce isn’t a user-friendly one, especially for beginners. But with Skyvia Data Loader, you cannot worry about it. Everything else is simple and intuitive.
  1. Data Entry: To avoid mistakes, use drop-down lists, validation rules, and data import wizards.
  1. Reports and Dashboards: Learn how to do it in the Salesforce Trailhead learning platform.
  1. User Permissions: Be careful with your profile settings to solve it.
  1. Integration: Salesforce provides a set of APIs that allow you to integrate with other systems easily. You can also use Salesforce AppExchange, a marketplace for third-party applications, to select pre-built integrations.


Skyvia Salesforce Data Loader is a Genie, that solves your data export and import wishes.  Its usability is amazing. 

With it, you’re sure that your data bricks are always accurate, valid, and ready to become a part of a cool house.


What is a Salesforce data loader?

A Salesforce data loader is an application used to insert, update, delete, and export large amounts of data to, within, and from Salesforce. The application can also move customer data from one system to another, upload new data in bulk, and export records to backup or move it to another system.

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Does the Salesforce data loader use API?

The Data Loader is flexible and designed to handle a large range of data, as per the When to Use Data Loader documentation. Depending on the exact nature of the operation being performed, it’s generally recommended to use the Bulk API mode when working with records totaling in the hundreds of thousands.

What is the limit of the data loader?

Data Loader is supported for loads of up to 5 million records.

What is the purpose of a data loader?

A data loader facilitates the process of accessing and moving your data from multiple sources into a central location, such as a cloud data warehouse. A data loader supports high-speed, high-volume data loading.

Categories: How to

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