Listary is an Awesome File Browsing, Searching tool For Windows


A few days ago, while looking for some

Exciting new tool for Windows

I came across an app called


. After a few hours of working with Listary, if I had to briefly describe what it is, I would simply call it a tool for Windows that

enhance your file browsing experience

by a large extent.

I understand that the above information is too little to figure out anything Listary can do and therefore, in this post, I will talk about all the cool features it will bring to your daily file browsing and searching activities on Windows. Even so, I have to admit that this tool is not the simplest one and it took me some time to understand all its features and how I can implement them to be more efficient. But once I got the hang of it, everything went smoothly.

Access your favorite folders anywhere

Once you have Listary installed on your computer, it will run in the background with an icon on the taskbar. To start Listary, you can press Windows + W button and a small context menu will show up right next to your mouse pointer if you are working with any program.

Listary while working on another program1

However, if you press the shortcut buttons while on the desktop, a small search bar with three buttons will appear. These three buttons are named favorites, recent documents, and smart commands.

Listary1 . Desktop

The first button ie Favorites will show a list of all the folders in your favorites list. The Recent Documents button will list all the folders you have browsed recently, and the Smart Commands button contains frequently used commands like Open Command Prompt, Copy current path to clipboard, etc.

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Better file opening/saving window

Listary integrates itself with open/save dialog in explorer but let me take an example to explain to you the advantage you will have with Listary.

Let’s say you’re browsing through an Office folder on your computer, and working on a text editor at the same time. If I’m not mistaken, when you open or save files in these text editors, they open the My Documents folder by default, and if you want to save the file to the Office folder (the folder you’re browsing in the background), you’ll have to navigate to that folder and then save the file.

Save open dialog1

Now, with Listary running in the background, you can simply press the Ctrl+G button to copy the path of your office folder into the open/save dialog in a jiffy, provided that folder is open in the background. If multiple folders are open, Listary will get the path of the last out-of-focus folder.

Furthermore, the Open/Save dialog box will contain the same search bar that we discussed above that will help you find your files and folders easily.

Smart command

Smart command1

Listary will also bring many smart commands to perform many convenient everyday computing tasks with a simple shortcut. Listary, by default comes with a list of preconfigured commands as mentioned on their homepage but users can also add custom commands from the Options page.


That’s not all; that’s just part of all the amazing things you can do with Listary. You can configure the program using the Options page. There you can configure keyboard shortcuts, add custom commands, add apps and list favorites, etc.

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Furthermore, there is a pro version that also includes many extra features in addition to the one mentioned above.

My judgment

Honestly, for the first few hours after installing Listary, I was confused as to what this tool could do for me, but once I memorized all the keyboard shortcuts and tried the tricks I mentioned above, I fell in love with it.

So all I’m saying is try Listary for a few days before you really rate it. I would love to know your experience using it. Make sure you come back here and post your comments.

Categories: How to

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