iPhone Night Mode: How to Take the Best Night Photos

After Android manufacturers had it for years, Apple finally introduced Night Mode with the iPhone 11. Night Mode dramatically improves low-light performance when clicking photos with your iPhone. However, there are a few tips and tricks that you can use your iPhone’s Night Mode even more effectively to click eye-catching photos for your Instagram.

So grab your iPhone and get ready to impress all your friends with some stellar nighttime shots. Whether you’re clicking friends, beautiful Christmas lights, or stars in the sky, here’s how to use Night Mode on your iPhone to the fullest. But first things first.

Which iPhones have support for Night Mode

Unfortunately, not all iPhone models have Night Mode in the camera app. Here are all the iPhones that support Night Mode.

  • iPhone 11
  • iPhone 11 Pro
  • iPhone 11 ProMax
  • iPhone 12″
  • iPhone 12 mini
  • iPhone 12 Pro
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max
  • iPhone 13″
  • Small iPhone 13
  • iPhone 13 Pro
  • iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • iPhone 14″
  • iPhone 14 Plus
  • iPhone 14 Pro
  • iPhone 14 Pro Max

Note that the iPhone 11 series only has Night Mode on the main camera. So if you shoot at night, we recommend using only the main camera. As a general rule, the main mode is generally the best in terms of details, so we recommend using the main 1X shooting mode on all iPhones even if the ultra-wide and telephoto lenses are supported. Night mode.

How to turn on Night Mode on iPhone manually

The iPhone camera automatically activates Night Mode when it detects a dark scene. However, there may be cases where Night Mode is not activated even if the light around you is not good. In such a case, you may get dark photos or experience focus problems on your iPhone.

Don’t worry, though, as you can manually enable Night Mode in such situations to get more light in your photo. Here’s how to enable Night Mode on your iPhone.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your iPhone. Point to the object you want to capture.

Step 2: Swipe up in the center of the screen to reveal more toggles.

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Step 3: Select the 2nd icon from the left in the bottom bar. This will bring up the Night Mode slider.

Step 4: Drag the slider at the bottom to the left. Now you can see at the top of the screen Night mode is enabled. You can also see how long the photo will be taken.

Press the shutter button now to click the photo. It will be clicked when Night Mode is on.

How to take better night mode photos on iPhone

Here are a few ways that you can improve your night shots (low light images) and get excellent photos. You can use some or all of these tips when clicking photos at night depending on the situation.

1. Increase the shutter time

The iPhone keeps the camera’s shutter open for a few seconds to take multiple photos at night. The longer the duration, the brighter and better your photos will be. So if your iPhone shows that it will take a photo in a second or two, you can increase the time and get better results. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your iPhone. Point to the object you want to capture.

Step 2: Swipe up in the center of the screen to reveal more toggles.

Step 3: Select the 2nd icon from the left in the bottom bar. This will bring up the Night Mode slider.

Step 4: Change the slider to increase the timer. If it shows one second by default, increase it to two or three.

Note: The maximum shutter speed may vary depending on the light around you.

Press the shutter button to take a photo. It will be better than the one with the default timer.

2. Hold your phone steady and close to your body

When your iPhone takes a lot of photos with long shutter times, it’s extremely important to keep your phone steady. This ensures that all captured images can be perfectly overlaid to form a brighter and more detailed image.

A good way to keep your phone steady in your hand is to keep your hands close to your body. Try not to stretch your arms away from your body as it can cause some swaying. Also, hold the phone with both hands instead of just one for added stability.

3. Use a tripod or place your iPhone on a surface

This point continues the previous point. The iPhone’s night mode can capture up to 30 seconds. This is very useful when photographing celestial objects. But, if you’ve been wondering how to take night photos on iPhone for a long time, the answer is to use a tripod.

The tripod keeps your iPhone perfectly steady, which is essential to avoid blurry photos at night. So, if you want to master night photography with your iPhone, a tripod is highly recommended.

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Mount your iPhone on a tripod and point it in the direction you took the shot. Then manually increase the shutter time using the method above. If you are clicking on a photo of the night sky, you can extend the timer up to 30 seconds.

In the absence of a tripod, you can also choose to place your phone on a surface to keep it stationary.

4. Do not zoom in or out

As mentioned earlier, the main camera is the best camera on your iPhone. But sometimes, you may want to zoom in for a better perspective or zoom out to fit more elements in your frame. However, this is not recommended when you are shooting at night.

The secondary and tertiary lenses on your iPhone are not powerful enough, and as a result, can take pictures with less detail and more noise. So instead of zooming in or out to frame your photo, take a picture with the main camera. You can then enlarge the photo while editing it to frame it according to your needs.

If you want to capture a wider frame, step back until you have the desired frame instead of switching to the super wide-angle camera.

5. Turn off the camera flash

You must be thinking that the flash adds more light to the scene and, therefore, helps to take better pictures at night. Yes, that is only partially true. The flash produces a harsh light, which is great for subjects up close, but if you’re clicking on a human subject or anything that’s a little further away from the camera, the flash can really ruin the shot. your.

If your iPhone turns on the flash automatically in low light, tap the flash icon in the top left corner of the app to turn it off.

The moment it turns from yellow to transparent, you know the flash has been turned off. Unless you’re clicking photos in pitch-black conditions, we recommend turning off the flash.

6. Use the exposure slider

Whenever you tap your subject to focus in the iPhone’s Camera app, you’ll see a box with a slider on the side. This is called the exposure slider. You can use it to change the exposure or brightness of a photo.

So, if you’re in a low-light situation and feel like your photo needs to be brighter, you can use the exposure slider before clicking on the photo. Here is how it works.

Step 1: Open the Camera app on your iPhone. Point to the object you want to capture.

Step 2: Click on your subject to focus on it. If you’re clicking on a landscape or a distant object, tap the center of the frame.

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Step 3: Use the slider to the right of the focus box to change the exposure level. Drag the slider up to increase exposure and drag down to decrease exposure.

When you’re happy with the exposure, press the shutter button to take a night photo on your iPhone.

7. Use a third-party app to take long exposure photos

There’s no denying that the default camera app on the iPhone is extremely limited. You don’t have professional modes or controls to capture star trails, light trails, or long exposure shots in low light. If you want those extra features, we recommend checking out some of the best manual camera apps for your iPhone.

halide camera apphalide camera apphalide camera app

Since you have granular controls, you can manually set ISO, shutter speed, white balance, and other parameters to capture the scene exactly the way you want it. If you’re serious about taking night photos with your iPhone, you should consider downloading one of the apps.

FAQ for using Night Mode on iPhone

1. Does the iPhone camera app have a manual mode?

No, the default camera app on iOS doesn’t have a manual mode. You will have to use a third-party app for manual control.

2. Does the iPhone’s night mode work even on the selfie camera?

Apple has introduced Night Mode on the selfie camera since the iPhone 12. So if you have an iPhone 12 or later, you can also take Night Mode selfies.

3. How do I take a photo of the moon with my iPhone?

Hold the tripod and mount your iPhone on it. Point the camera towards the moon. Use the main shooter (1x) and take a photo of the moon in 30 seconds. Since the iPhone doesn’t have a large optical zoom lens like the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, you can’t take close-up shots of the moon.

Take stunning photos on your iPhone

The iPhone camera has become incredibly powerful in recent years. Now you can click great photos right from your phone without the need for a dedicated camera. While low-light photography remains a challenge, using your iPhone’s Night Mode allows you to take some great photos even in the dark.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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