In Truth’s Steps Part 3 Answers in Genshin Impact

The Gala of Wisdom went smoothly and ended successfully thanks to the cooperation of everyone.

All those who set up booths and organized fun events during the Gala received a leave of absence for the 3-day holiday, with no strings attached.

However, after everyone receives the leave permit, one more leave permit is left in the box. Why so?

You need to find the truth behind the story through careful analysis and questioning.

In this guide, you will learn the answers to Part 3 of In Truth in Genshin Impact (Through Everyone’s Joint Effort).

In Truth’s Steps Part 3 Answers in Genshin Impact

Questions 1

Q: And the current status of the leave permit is…

A: All leave permits go to the people who should have them.

Question 2

Q: Have you applied for leave yet?

A: Everyone has applied for leave.

question 3

Q: Why was a leave slip left in the box?

A: The person who took the ticket also took the box.

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In Truth’s Steps Part 2 Answers in Genshin Impact

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Categories: How to

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