Idol Manager Stats

As the manager of a talent agency, your job is to guide and develop young pop stars.

You must make decisions about hiring, firing, promoting, and reprimanding them based on their personal and professional lives.

The successes and failures in their personal lives can greatly affect your business.

The media, fans, and rival groups are always on the lookout for the latest rumor or scandal that could damage your company’s reputation.

It is important to remember that this is a business and should not take things too personally.

In this guide, you will learn about idol manager stats, demographics, looks, abilities, etc.

  • Idol management statistics
  • demographic
  • Appearance
  • Ability
  • policy
  • Presenter

Idol management statistics

Each idol stat corresponds to two specific demographics, and when combined with your choices in creating a single, determines your overall demographic appeal.

Focusing on a specific demographic can lead to more fans from singles, sales, and concert attendance. On the other hand, inconsistency can lead to dissatisfaction and decline in opinions of demographic groups.


Fan typeSexYear old
Hardcore – Enthusiastic and dedicated. They are difficult to achieve but are the most rewarding on a per capita basis. If managed well, they can buy more CDs than people in this group. They are vital to successful concert attendance and theater.maleYouth
Casual – Enjoy trendy music, lyrics and dance. They are easy to attract but also easy to lose. They buy fewer singles per capita but make up for it in sheer numbers.Femaleyouth


CuteMen’s HeavyweightYour idol is charming and attractive, with cuteness that can be understood as lovable and attractive. The former cuteness is why very young idols, between the ages of 12-14, have a huge “Cute” status when they are recruited, often exceeding their potential. However, this rating dropped significantly as they got older, dropping significantly by their 13th to 15th birthdays and sometimes even later.
CoolDifficult for you FemaleYour idol is very stylish and fashionable, which is highly appreciated in idol culture, especially in Japan, where young girls often admire older “senpai” idols and aspire to be like them. This makes the status Cool and Trendy an important factor for female fans. Unlike other stats, this state cannot be improved through training at a younger age. However, it can often increase on birthdays, especially when the idol is still young.
sexyMen’s HeavyweightThis stat represents an idol’s physical attractiveness, mainly in the eyes of the opposite sex. This is especially important for male fans and is associated with the concept of gravure idols, which includes provocative behavior and costumes, provocative photography, lyrics, and dance. It is worth noting that the Sexy state cannot be enhanced at a younger age like the Cool state. The minimum age to start training this indicator is 16 years old. If you are planning to form a gravure idol group, it is important to keep this in mind when recruiting idols. Sensual status can often increase on birthdays, especially in younger years, along with a decrease in Cute status.
PrettyDifficult for you FemaleThis index measures an idol’s beauty, but in a non-sexual context. It’s similar to how girls might see models in fashion magazines and wish to mimic their style and looks, or how fashion and beauty influencers on Instagram attract followers. their tracking. This stat is very important for female fans who appreciate an idol’s overall looks and taste.
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DanceNormal maleThis stat refers to an idol’s dancing ability, which is ironically considered a lower priority for idol training. Unlike appearance stat which is important for both singles and concerts as well as contracts, dance skills have no direct impact on contracts. In addition, training this stat requires a dance studio that occupies two rooms, while the appearance stat can be trained in a one-room locker room.
vocal musicNormal femaleThis stat refers to an idol’s singing ability, which is ironically considered a lower priority for an idol to train. Similar to dance skills, it doesn’t directly affect the contract, while the physical stats are important for both singles, concerts, and contracts. This stat training requires a recording studio occupying two room locations, while the appearance stat can be trained in a one-room locker room.
FunnyNormal maleThis index measures an idol’s sense of humour, which is crucial for success in media-related careers. Even if you have physically attractive idols with exceptional vocal abilities, if they lack a sense of humour, the audience won’t like their performance. The Humor quotient, along with the Intelligence quotient, plays an important role in the success of media-related jobs. It usually increases with age and cannot be trained quickly. One of the few ways to improve this stat is through Manzai’s performances in the Theatre.
SmartNormal femaleThis index measures an idol’s intelligence, which is essential for success in media-related jobs. The Intelligence quotient, along with the Humor quotient, plays an important role in determining an idol’s suitability for media jobs. It usually increases with age and cannot be trained quickly. One of the few ways to improve this stat is through Manzai’s performances in the Theatre.
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  • Vibes don’t directly affect demographic appeal, but do influence success.
  • Pick a vibe that aligns with the team’s key metric for extra impact and contract income.
  • Cute/Sexy for Connoisseurs of Men, Cool/Beautiful for Connoisseurs of Women and Smart/Funny for Casual fans.


  • Neutral external options have their downsides, stay neutral.
  • Orthodox for hardcore and adult/youth demographics.
  • Rebel for Female and Young demographics, good on normal difficulty.


  • Crazy fans don’t like dating idols, women find restrictions repulsive.
  • Bans increase the appeal of die-hard fans but upset the average fan and possibly cause scandal.
  • Ambiguity is safer, scandals won’t do much harm and can be mitigated.
  • There is no limit to attracting female fans and casual fans alike, but scandals are more common.


  • Short Skirt, Not safe for die-hard fans, but not casual fans.
  • Safety Miniskirt tries to please everyone and is the worst choice.
  • Long skirt for Female fans.
  • Pants for casual fans or targeted at male fans (not especially hardcore male fans).


  • Non-neutral options increase stamina usage and avoid unfair difficulty.
  • Energy and enthusiasm for die-hard fans, Balance and moderation for idol endurance, Quality and Polish for casual fans.


  1. Dabbykins on Steam

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