How to View iCloud Tabs, Bookmarks in Google Chrome

If you’re locked into Apple’s ecosystem, you probably know that it’s hard to get out of the Safari web browser. Safari on Mac shows you all the open tabs on your various devices, keeps your bookmarks synced, and supports Apple’s own read-later service, Reading List.

Shutterstock 175540514Here’s how to use Google Chrome without losing your favorite iCloud features | Photo: Gil C / Shutterstock

But for various reasons, you may want to switch to Google Chrome. While it may not be as energy efficient on your Mac, it has a huge catalog of web apps and extensions along with pretty fast speeds. If you think that by switching to Chrome you will have to leave your perfect iCloud harmony with Safari, you are wrong. Check out these helpful tips and extensions to be able to sync iCloud with Google’s browser.

iCloud Tabs in Chrome

If you started browsing the web on your iPhone and iPad, then had to switch to your Mac, it’s handy to be able to simply open Tab View in Safari and see the tabs you have open on those devices. With one click, you can pick up where you left off.

Cloudytabs Github Install

However, this only works in Safari. Apple does not support iCloud syncing through Chrome or any other browser for that matter. To fix this, install an app from GitHub called CloudyTabs.

CloudyTabs adds the iCloud icon to your Mac’s menu bar. When clicked, it will show open tabs on all your iCloud-enabled devices. Selecting one of those tabs will open the website in your default browser, regardless of whether it’s Safari, Chrome, or anything else.

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To download, visit CloudyTabs’ GitHub page. Scroll to Setting title, then click Download CloudyTabs. Unzip the files, then move it to your Mac’s Applications folder to complete the installation, then launch the file. You can now view your iCloud Tabs when using any browser by clicking the menu bar icon.

iCloud Bookmarks in Chrome

While Apple doesn’t officially offer a solution for iCloud tabs in other browsers, it’s been a bit more generous with iCloud bookmarks. Apple has its own extension in the Chrome Web Store to add your iCloud bookmarks from your iPhone or iPad to Chrome and keep them in sync across all your devices.

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Unfortunately, this only works for Windows users, as on Macs Apple wants to encourage the use of Safari to keep everything in sync. But this is the perfect extension for those who love their iPhone but still need to use their PC for heavy computer work.

Just visit the Chrome Web Store to install Apple’s iCloud Bookmarks extension for Windows.

iCloud Apps in Chrome

The iCloud apps ( are not specific to Safari because you can only visit the website in Chrome at any time to access these services. But there is a handy Chrome extension that makes iCloud easier to access than Safari. The extension is called Launchpad for iCloud.

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It just adds a new iCloud icon to your Chrome toolbar to give you quick access to all iCloud web apps. These include Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Photos, iCloud Drive, Notes, Reminders, Pages, Numbers, Speech, Find My Friends, and Find My iPhone.

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If you’re a regular iCloud user, this little extension really gives Chrome an edge over Safari.

Reading List in Chrome

It’s true, you can actually use part of Safari’s Reading List in Chrome. However, this trick only works on Mac. All you have to do to save a link to your reading list is hold control of clicking the URL. Hover Service then choose Add to reading list.

Screenshot 2016 03 18 At 3 14 30 pmNote: You still can’t view your Reading List from Chrome, so you’re limited in your ability to save new entries. If you really want to switch to Chrome and miss Reading List, try Pocket or Readability instead

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Categories: How to

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