How to Use the Compass App on iPhone: A Detailed Guide

A very important tool in shaping the modern world is the humble seafarer’s compass. Hundreds of years later, we see this built into the iPhone, and it uses a bunch of sensors to do the job. And, if you’ve ever wondered how the Compass app on iPhone works, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we will explain how the Compass app works on iPhone. The compass has a lot of details that form the basis of all the GPS data we use. We’ll also show you how to interpret it and make the best use of it. In this way, we are sure that you will thoroughly understand the contents of this tool. Let’s get started.

How the Compass App Works on iPhone

The earth has a magnetic field that also acts like a bar magnet. This is used to operate a compass. The needle of a compass is magnetized and when it points ‘north’ it is being pulled by the north pole of the Earth and vice versa.

But in today’s context, we need to know that our Earth’s north magnetic field fluctuates every few years. This is due to the fluctuations of electric current generated by the Earth’s rotating iron core. This means that your compass may point north, but you may be quite far from north geographically. This deviation is called the offset.

Hence, there is something called the World Magnetic Field Model, which is updated every 5 years by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This model takes into account all variations in the magnetic field. The geographic north is nearly 600 miles from the magnetic north of the earth.

Now, we have enough information to understand how Compass on iPhone works. Your iPhone has a device called a Magnetometer, which is basically a compass. Not only does it use the magnetic field to orient you, but it also does one important thing – measuring the magnetic field.

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In most smartphones, the measured magnetic field is compared with the deviations and errors calculated in the World Magnetic Field Model, which, together with GPS satellite data, helps to correct the direction and gives us true geographic north. Therefore, we know the direction we are heading.

How to use iPhone Compass

Apple has made it easier than ever to set up and use the compass on your iPhone. Even when you open the app for the first time, it doesn’t ask you to calibrate the compass manually. If you’ve enabled location access on your iPhone, you’ll be able to see a bunch of information on your Compass screen.

If calibration is required, you will be provided with detailed on-screen instructions to do so. And when you use the app itself, it’s pretty simple.

Step 1: Rotate your iPhone to see the direction your iPhone is facing.

Step 2: To lock a direction, tap the compass dial. You can see a red band showing how much you have deviated.

We will explain how to interpret everything you see in the next section of the article. But before that, we want to show you some settings that we recommend you enable for more accuracy.

Enable location services for compass

The compass app on iPhone requires location permissions to give you detailed information. Therefore, it asks for all permissions related to location services.

Step 1: Open the Settings app and tap Privacy and Security.

Open iPhone SettingsPrivacy & Security

Step 2: Tap on Location Services and select Compass.

Select Location Services

Step 3: Make sure you enable ‘While Using the App’ to give compass access to your location.

Step 4: Return to the Locations page and scroll down to find and select System Services.

Step 5: Turn on the switch for Compass Calibration.

Tap on System Services

These are some of the toggles that you need to enable to make sure the Compass app works properly on your iPhone. Now, let us understand how to interpret the data displayed by the compass app on the iPhone.

How to interpret the information displayed on the Compass app on iPhone

The Compass app on iPhone displays four important parameters: direction, direction, position, and altitude. Let us understand them one by one.

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Orientation: This is the direction the dial points to when you rotate your iPhone.

Direction: This is the exact direction in which you are moving. It shows the angle, which is the deviation from the reference line (the vertical line in the plus lines) and the direction (in our case, Northeast) that you are heading towards. To get an accurate azimuth, place your phone on a flat surface and align the center point of the two plus signs.

Coordinates: This shows the latitude and longitude data of your location. The first set of numbers (12 degrees 53 minutes 57 seconds North) is the latitude number followed by the longitude number (77 degrees 33 minutes 45 seconds East). Basically, latitude is a horizontal line measuring the distance north or south of the equator, and longitude is a vertical line measuring the distance east or west of the equator.

Geolocation: The GPS sensor on your iPhone determines this location.

Altitude: It is the measured altitude of your current location above sea level.

We hope this is a simple enough explanation of everything the compass app on the iPhone displays. If you want to know more, you can check out some resources that explain the geographical details of longitude and latitude.

However, your iPhone also offers a toggle to switch to true north on the Compass app. Let us understand what it means.

How to switch to True North in the Compass app for iPhone

We briefly discussed the oscillations north of Earth’s magnetism. This deviation makes ‘magnetic north’ quite a distance from actual north – known as ‘true north’. And to give you true north, iPhone uses the internet and GPS to correct for deviations caused by declination.

So, for the average person, magnetic north isn’t much use, unless you want a rough estimate of the polar directions when you’re not using GPS or the Internet on your iPhone.

This is how you can enable True North on your iPhone compass.

Step 1: Open the Settings app.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on Compass.

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Open iPhone Settings

Step 3: Turn on the switch for ‘Use True North’. Your compass will now point to true north instead of magnetic north.

And that’s all we have to show you about the Compass app on iPhone. If you have any other questions, you can check out our FAQ section below.

Frequently asked questions about using the Compass app on iPhone

1. Does iPhone compass use GPS?

If available, the iPhone’s compass uses GPS to improve the information provided on the compass app.

2. Where is the Level feature on iOS 16?

It has been removed from the Compass app and is available on the Measure app.

3. How accurate is the compass app on the iPhone?

Apple claims that inaccuracies can be caused by the presence of nearby magnetic objects, and only advises users to use it for basic navigation aid.

4. What is the best alternative to the compass app on iPhone?

Compass & GPS is a good alternative to the compass app on iPhone.

Use the Compass app on iPhone with ease

We’ve covered all the important details you need to know about the Compass app on iPhone. What interested us was the fact that sailors could rely only on a compass to travel and explore the world. Moreover, it is truly amazing how much progress we have all made in the development of technology in the field of navigation. And as always, we’re excited to see more for the future!

Categories: How to

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