How to Use Safari Tabs on Your iPhone

Safari is the browser for many iPhone users. With recent iOS 15

featured iphone safari

With every new version of iOS, Safari’s capabilities grow beyond what we can imagine. Some unique features involve grouping tabs, making it easier to arrange web pages in order.

If you’re interested in learning how to use Safari tabs on your iPhone, keep reading and we’ll show you how. These tips should work for anyone using iOS 15 or later.

How to create tab groups

Do you find that your tabs are constantly cluttered when you use Safari and have multiple pages open at once? If so, creating tab groups will help you keep everything in one place.

Creating tab groups is very simple. You can create them using pages you already have open, or you can create tab groups from scratch. First, let’s show how to do it using the web pages you’ve opened:

Step 1: In the Safari app, click the icon with two squares at the bottom of your page.

Safari square icon

Step 2: On the next page, you will see all your open tabs. If you go to the bottom you will see an option titled “[number] tab”; choose this one.

new tab

Step 3: When the next window appears, press the option named “New Tab Group From” [number] Tabs.

Group tabs from new tabs

Step 4: Your iPhone will ask you to name your new group. Type in the box and press Save.

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Save new tab group safari

Once you’ve created your new tab, you can access it by clicking the two squares icon in the bottom right. On the pop-up you will see a small bar with your tab name.

tab name on iphone

If you haven’t opened any pages yet but want to prepare for your future browsing sessions, you can create groups from scratch. To do this:

Step 1: Select the icon with two squares at the bottom of your Safari app.

Step 2: Click New Empty Tab Group.

New empty tab group iphone

Step 3: Name your tab group and press Save.

Iphone new tab group name

To add your first page to a blank tab, go to the site you want to include. If you can’t load pages, follow these tips to help you troubleshoot Safari not loading.

You can then tap the two squares icon and press the plus sign at the bottom left.

New tab in created group

How to use the compact tab bar

In Safari running iOS 15 or later, you’ll see a neat little tab bar – slightly different from previous versions of the app. Although many users have reported difficulties using this feature, it should be very simple once you get used to it. Besides entering the website address, you can also use this bar to swipe between tabs and see all of them.

If you want to scroll between tabs, you need to go to the bar at the bottom first.

iphone compact bar

Once you’re there, swipe left or right to access your other sites. Alternatively, you can swipe up to see an overview of the web pages you’ve opened.

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If you use this setting in tab groups, you’ll see all the sites you want in that particular group. So it allows easy switching between pages.

You should enable compact tab bar by default. However, if you have previously disabled the feature, follow these steps to enable it:

Step 1: Go to Settings > Safari.

Safari iphone settings

Step 2: Scroll down to Tabs.

Safari Tab Settings App

Step 3: Select Tab Bar.

Safari settings on the tab bar

When you reopen Safari, the changes will take effect.

How to ungroup tabs

If you later want to delete your tab groups, the process shouldn’t be too difficult. Follow these steps to do that:

Step 1: Select the two square boxes in the lower right corner on Safari. Alternatively, you can swipe up if the compact tab bar is activated.

Safari square icon

Step 2: Tap the tab name at the bottom of the next page.

Ungroup iphone initial settings tabs

Step 3: Long press on the group you want to delete. Then select Delete.

Remove group of optional tabs long press ios

Using Safari on iPhone is easier

While the tab bar is a bit confusing at first, it’s a great tool that makes browsing the web on your iPhone easier once you learn how to use it. If you continue to dislike the feature, you can always switch back to a version prior to iOS 15, so you should give it a fair chance. Alternatively, you can use a Safari alternative for your iPhone.

To make browsing even simpler, grouping your tabs is a great way to keep essential pages together – no need to find them again later. If you use both of these features to good effect, you can save hours.

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Categories: How to

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