How to Use Logic Jump for Multiple Choice in Typeform

The Logic Jump feature in Typeform is one of the most useful features that keep your forms and surveys neat and uncluttered. This feature eliminates a complicated process that overloads your form with unnecessary questions. It also becomes convenient for respondents to answer your survey because they don’t have to go through questions that are not important to them.

How to use logical jump for multiple selection in Typeform

In a nutshell, Logic Jump helps bring ‘If or Else’ situations to your forms. All you need to do is incorporate a few interactive elements into your form, and you’ll have an attractive form in no time. And well, the analysis part will become easier too.

The good thing about Logical Jumps in Typography forms is that they apply to most question types, including multiple choice or MCQ questions. And well, the setup process isn’t difficult either.

So check out how to go about it.

How to add logic to the mix

Creating a long and complex form can be a challenging undertaking, and it will affect anyone who doesn’t keep up with the questions and the flow. Therefore, you should always have a rough draft before diving deeper.

The good thing about branching in Typeform is that you can see a neat diagram as you branch out. That helps you take a step back in case you notice any problems with the jumps.

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Note: Logic Jump in Typeform is a paid feature.

Step 1: To get started, create the basic structure of your form, such as adding a title, welcome slide, and a set of common questions, including an MCQ.

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Next, create the different sections where you want to branch out your question. Once done, be ready to link the questions to their respective sections.

In my case, if you choose Branch A, the process switches to Branch Question A and the same goes for Branches B and C. Once you have answered the relevant Branch questions, the process will Moving on to Question 7, this is a common question asked.

Step 2: To add a jump, click Logical Jump > Add Logical Jump and add a condition, then links to sections, as shown in the screenshot below.

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Step 3: However, we are not done yet. We must do the same for Branch B and Branch C. To do so, double-click the little Plus icon to add two more logical jumps.

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The problem with Logic Jump is that unless you add a specific ‘Other’ condition, all of your questions will follow the chronological order of the questions.

In my case, if I don’t add the final ‘Other’ condition, Branch A (Q #4) will always be redirected to (Q #5 and Q#6) and so will Branch B.

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Of course, we don’t want this to happen.

Step 4: For processing, click on the Logical Jump icon of the respective questions and add a link to the popular question (in my case Q#7), as shown in the screenshot under.

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Do the same for both Q#5 and Q#6. In the end, your flowchart should look like this.

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After creating a draft, click Test Logic in the upper right corner to test the logic. If everything is aligned correctly, it should work. Your form with logical branching has been created.

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Things can be a little confusing at first. But chances are you’ll get the hang of it soon enough.

Typeform Bonus Tips & Tricks

1. Response validation

Similar to Logic Jump, Typeform also has some additional features. And one of the coolest is the option to add Authentication. So if you want a zero-based field that doesn’t accept zeros as an answer, or a text-based field that doesn’t accept long replies, all is possible.

Tap the little screwdriver icon next to each question and you’ll be taken to the Settings page.

Here you need to add the necessary authentication.

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To move on to the next question, click the small arrow next to Question Settings.

2. Change the color palette

If you choose to use one of the templates, odds are your form will be nice and beautiful. But did you know that in addition to the sample colors, you can still choose different themes?

Yep, you read that right. Not only are there many themes to choose from, but you can also go ahead and customize it to your choice.

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To do so, click the Waterdrop icon on the left menu and choose one of the themes. The best part is that you can see how your form looks on the right panel. Cool, right?

Create the right branch

With people’s attention spans getting shorter and shorter, you must present your data accurately. Plus, you make sure your form doesn’t look like it’s from the stone age.

What feature do you like most about Typeform? You know where the comment section is.

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Next: Are you a Google Forms user? Learn how to limit answers in Google Forms.

Categories: How to

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