How to Type Your Password Correctly Every Time With Visual Hashing

Passwords are everywhere. No, I don’t hate them at all. What I find annoying is the task of remembering all of them and the CAPTCHA sometimes comes up when I mistype once. Entering a password is second nature to most of us these days. But also remember that speed also leads to ‘risk’. The same goes for passwords – the chances of entering it wrong are quite high. Especially when you are in a hurry to quickly check your account and escape.

So let’s solve this problem with Visual Hashing. Visual Hashing is a cool browser add-on for Firefox and Chrome that detects passwords when passwords are mistyped and changes color to indicate that you entered the wrong password. Let’s take this example after installing the add-on for the respective browsers.

This is how my password field looks after installing the Firefox add-on. Visual Hashing displays four colored boxes in the password field.

Visual Hash01

The cells will change color as you type and if you type incorrectly. If mistyped, the password field will display as below:

Visual hash02

As you can see, the colors of the two don’t match. Enter the correct password and the boxes (the four-color hash) will change color and match the top of the screen.

Of course, you have to remember the color combination on all your password fields as each account has a different color, but I guess this will also become second nature after using it for a while. I wish this add-on could give me the option to disable color hashing for specific accounts. But until it happens, I’m using it to catch a mistyped password. Those password verification CAPTCHAs are annoying!

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You can download Visual Hashing as a Firefox add-on and a Chrome extension.

Categories: How to

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