How to Switch Accounts on Snapchat: 5 Steps (With Pictures)

If you have multiple Snapchat accounts, you may want to switch between them.

On social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, switching from one account to another is easy.

For example, on Instagram, you can add an account by tapping your username in the top navigation bar.

Once you’ve added an account, you can switch between them by tapping your username again in the top navigation bar and tapping the account you want to switch to.

On Twitter, you can add a new account by tapping the menu followed by the ellipsis icon.

However, switching accounts on Snapchat is more difficult because there is no feature that allows you to easily switch between accounts.

In this guide, you will learn how to switch accounts on Snapchat in 5 steps (with pictures for your reference).

  1. How to switch accounts on Snapchat
  2. Can you switch between accounts on Snapchat?
  3. How do I know someone has two Snapchat accounts?

How to switch accounts on Snapchat

To switch accounts on Snapchat, tap your profile picture, tap the Settings icon, scroll down, tap “sign out,” tap “Use another account,” and sign in to your other account. Friend.

On Snapchat, there is no feature that allows you to easily switch between accounts.

That said, to switch accounts on Snapchat, you need to sign out of your current account first.

Otherwise, you will not be able to switch accounts.

The most important step is to sign out of your existing account.

This is also the step that a lot of people miss.

This is because the “log out” button is hidden from plain view, so it is difficult to locate it.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can switch accounts on Snapchat.

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Step #1: Tap your profile picture

Snapchat profile picture

Open Snapchat > ​​go to your profile.

First, open Snapchat on your mobile device.

When you’re using Snapchat, tap your profile picture (Bitmoji) on the top navigation bar.

Your profile picture is on every tab, so you don’t have to worry about missing it.

The image above shows the “Discover” page, but you can also be in any other tab.

You have successfully navigated to your Snapchat profile.

In the next step, you need to go to Settings where you can sign out of your account.

Step #2: Tap the Settings icon

Snapchat settings

Tap the gear icon in the top right corner of your profile to go to Settings.

Once you are on your profile, you need to go to your Settings.

At the top right of your profile, you’ll see a gear icon.

Tap the gear icon to access your Settings.

The Settings page is where you can sign out of your Snapchat account, so you’ll have to go into it.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to sign out of your Snapchat account—the only alternative is to reinstall the app.

You have successfully navigated to your Settings.

In the next step, you will have to find the sign out button to sign out of your Snapchat account.

Step #3: Scroll down and tap “Sign Out”

Sign out of Snapchat

Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and tap “Sign Out”.

Once you’re on the Settings page, you’ll see multiple tabs—name, username, date of birth, mobile number, etc.

The tab you’re looking for is the “Sign Out” tab.

On this page, you’ll also see multiple headings in green—My Account, Additional Services, Who Can…, Support, Feedback, More Info, and Account Actions.

The “Sign Out” tab is located at the bottom of the Settings page under “Account Actions”.

Navigate to the “Account Actions” heading by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Under the “Account Actions” heading, navigate to the last tab that says “Sign Out”.

Tap “Sign Out” to sign out of your Snapchat account.

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Next, tap “Sign Out” again to confirm that you want to sign out.

You have successfully signed out of your Snapchat account.

In the next few steps, you’ll learn how to switch to another account via the login screen.

Step #4: Tap on “Use another account”

How to switch accounts on Snapchat

On the login/signup screen, tap “Use another account” to switch to another Snapchat account.

After logging out of your Snapchat account, you will come to the login/signup screen.

On the login/signup screen, you’ll see your current account’s profile picture.

There are three options on the screen—Login, Sign Up, and Use Another Account.

To switch accounts on Snapchat, you need to tap on the “Use another account” option.

This will make your other account appear in the login/signup screen in the future.

If you tap “Sign In,” it will only log you into your existing account, so you don’t want to tap that.

In the final step, you will have to log in with your other account.

Step #5: Sign in with your other account

Sign in to Snapchat

Finally, sign in to your other Snapchat account.

After you tap on the “Use another account” option on the login screen, you will arrive at the login screen.

On the login screen, you can sign in to your other Snapchat account.

If you don’t have another Snapchat account, tap the back button and create another one by tapping the “Sign Up” option.

Enter the username and password of your other account, then tap the “Sign In” button to log in to that account.

Congratulations, you have successfully switched accounts on Snapchat!

If you want to sign in to your previous account, you can do so by signing out of your current account, then tapping the previous account’s profile picture.

Can you switch between accounts on Snapchat?

Yes, you can switch between accounts on Snapchat by signing out and signing in to another account.

Snapchat doesn’t have a feature that makes it easy to switch between accounts, so you have to sign out of your current account before you can switch to another.

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To sign out of your current account, tap your profile picture > Settings > Sign Out.

Then, sign in to your other account by tapping “Use another account” to switch accounts.

How do I know someone has two Snapchat accounts?

Here’s how you can tell if someone has two Snapchat accounts:

  1. Block that person on Snapchat.
  2. Tap the “Add Friend” icon.
  3. Sync your contacts with Snapchat by going to Settings on your phone and enabling “Contacts”.
  4. Check if the person has another Snapchat account by looking for their name in the “Quick Add” section.

If someone has two Snapchat accounts, you’ll be able to find their other in “Quick Add” after blocking one of their accounts.

However, you need to make sure to sync your contacts with Snapchat first, though.

Otherwise, Snapchat won’t have access to your phone’s contact list.


Currently, there is no feature that allows you to easily switch between accounts on Snapchat.

The reason is that Snapchat may be trying to discourage users from creating multiple accounts.

It’s also unknown if Snapchat will implement it in the future (similar to Instagram and Twitter).

But now, people have to sign out of their existing accounts first to switch accounts—which requires additional taps.

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Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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