How to Swap Faces in Any Image Using Your Photo Editor

Face swapping is a popular Internet phenomenon recently. People are really enjoying being able to swap one face with another to take photos and videos. Thanks to Snapchat and other third-party apps, this is practically automatic. They build facial recognition technology and do the conversion.

Face Swap Pixelmator

If you want, you can also do face swaps with anyone in the standard photo editor. I guarantee it will perform better and look more accurate, but it doesn’t take long at all. All you need is some good photo editing software like Photoshop or Pixelmator.

Note: In this tutorial, I will be using Pixelmator. However, the tools needed to swap faces are found in most photo editing apps. If you are using something else like GIMP

Face Swap

For the tutorial, I found a free stock photo of three people on Imagebase. You can also download it there if you want to practice using the same image.

Important: Screenshot 2016 03 07 At 10 07 56 PM

Open the photo you want to use in your favorite photo editor. Again, I’m using Pixelmator. Start by duplicating the layer.

Screenshot 2016 03 07 At 10 01 26 pm

Then use the Selection tool. The best one for this use is lariat, so you can draw a rough selection around one of the faces. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it certainly shouldn’t be larger than the face itself, in fact, try to make the selection a bit smaller than the entire face.

Screenshot 2016 03 07 At 10 03 17 pm

If you have a fine-tune selection or similar, use that to flatten the curves of your selection and enable feathering, which will blur the edges of the selection a bit. The amount you need depends on the size of the photo, but for this photo I would use about 20 percent.

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Screenshot 2016 03 07 At 10 05 21 pm

Copy and paste the face into a new, separate layer. Now, repeat that whole selection process for the other face, and copy and paste that face into its own layer.

You should now have two identical layers with the full photo, one with one face and the other with the other face.

Screenshot 2016 03 07 At 10 11 03 PM

Now here is the interesting part. You will drag one face of its own layer on top of the other. If you’re using a good shot with two subjects at the same angle and distance, it’ll look pretty good right out of the box. Otherwise, you will have to play with it to achieve more professional results, but what you will have to do depends on your own situation.

Screenshot 2016 03 07 At 10 23 32 PM

Some tools to consider: change the size face/selection to adjust the new object and turn the face conforms to the subject’s own angle.

Optionally, use a very soft eraser to blend the facial features with the new subject’s skin tone and shadows. At first, even adjust the opacity down to about 30 or 35 percent to make sure the light details from one side to the other are not highlighted. This part isn’t necessary but blending tends to make the photo look more realistic rather than like a face glued onto another.

Repeat the same process for the other face.

Screenshot 2016 03 07 At 10 32 53 PM

And you are done. Remember that there is no magic way to do this so it always looks perfect. The end result may still look a bit unrealistic, but just keep tweaking using the tips above until it’s believable (and funny) enough for you.

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ALSO SEE: Irfanview Guide: A Desktop Tool for All Your Image Editing Needs

Categories: How to

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