How to Study Effectively Using Virtual Flash Cards

According to my professor, one of the students who scored well in my trading courses had over 500 flashcards, all full of definitions, terms and concepts. The sheer thought of having so many flashcards to study makes me shiver — all that clutter and potential for misplacement! However, flash cards have been a tried and tested learning tool for some students. When a classmate first told me about computer learning with flashcards, I jumped at the opportunity.

fake flash

Fauxflash is a web application that allows you to create virtual flash cards online. This is especially effective in case you want to share them with friends, study groups or classmates. Fauxflash has a very simple and clean user interface. You can see all the flashcard sets you’ve created — I tend to make one for each subject I’m studying.

Overview of Fauxflash

You can create decks using the big blue Create Deck button above. Similarly, you can edit your Fauxflash deck by clicking the edit button, as highlighted in the screenshot above. From there, you’ll be able to modify your deck information, as well as Add Cards to your deck.

Fake Flash Edit

Adding cards to your Fauxflash deck is simple. Simply type questions and answers in their respective fields. You can also attach files (usually images, charts, diagrams, etc.) to your cards.

Fauxflash Add tags

Fauxflash gives you the ability to format and style your text using an encoding known as markup.


When you’re done editing your cards and want to go through some questions, Fauxflash simply calls up the cards you’ve created in your deck.

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I’m not sure how I feel about centered text, especially for the longer paragraphs that I tend to use for responses.


By default, Fauxflash shares your presentation with the rest of the community. I don’t necessarily think this is a terrible thing, I just think there are times when you might want to keep your own research information to yourself! If that’s the case, you might consider using Anki, a virtual flash card app for your PC or mobile device. This is installed on your local storage, which means you can have access to it even when you are offline.


Anki is different from Fauxflash from the start. There are three main things you can do: download shared decks, create your own, or import decks from a previous Anki installation.

Overview of Anki

You can choose to download shared decks from the internet. The collection is definitely much larger in number when compared to Fauxflash’s shared decks.

Download Anki

Creating a deck is also very simple. When you click the Create button on the main screen, you will switch to this window. Looks a bit familiar with Fauxflash, doesn’t it?

anki create

Adjust your deck properties with just one click! This is where you can change the layout of the card, as well as adjust whether you want to share it on the web.

Attribute Anki

This is what Anki looks like when displaying the question (or the front of the card).

question anki

When you think you’ve answered the question, click Show Answers.

Anki Reply

I especially like the option at the bottom that determines how much to pass through this question. It’s especially interesting to me because I think it’s important to spend more time studying the parts and concepts that I understand less well.

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The top of the dialog box shows you options to Create a New Card, Edit your Existing Info, Change the Card Layout, and more.

You are now armed with two great ways to learn using virtual flash cards. Download Anki or check out Fauxflash. Study hard, back up your data and make yourself proud.

Categories: How to

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