How to Stop Twitch Email Notifications

Twitch is a popular video streaming platform among gamers to share live gameplay with commentary. It’s also known for streaming cooking shows and sporting events. The platform has over 140 million monthly active users, which will only increase over time. Twitch offers push notifications on mobile and email alerts to keep you hooked up with the platform. Unnecessary Twitch email notifications can irritate you at times. Here’s how to stop getting emails from Twitch.

When you first create an account on Twitch, the service enables email notifications for activities like guest start invites, past broadcasts, clips, events, chat mentions, user followers, stream stats, and more. While it’s useful in specific scenarios, the majority may not prefer to receive such messages in their email inboxes. You can stop Twitch email notifications from the web and mobile apps. Let’s get started.

Turn off Twitch Email Notifications on the Web

Most users prefer to use Twitch on the web only. The company killed the native desktop apps back in April 2022. You can use the steps below to disable email notifications for your account.

Step 1: Visit Twitch on the web. Sign in with your account details.

Step 2: Click your account picture in the top-right corner and open Settings.

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Step 3: Move to the Notifications tab.

Step 4: Expand the ‘By Email’ tab and disable email messages for irrelevant activities. Unfortunately, there is no way to disable all email messages at once.

After that, Twitch won’t disturb you with frequent email messages.

Stop Twitch Email Notifications on iPhone

If you want to tweak Twitch email preferences on the go, use mobile apps. Let’s first check the iOS app and move to the Android version.

Step 1: Open Twitch on your iPhone. Tap on your account at the top-left corner.

Step 2: Select Settings.

Step 3: Open Notifications and select By Email.

Step 4: Disable email messages for video broadcasts, events, your channel, and other activities.

You can manage Twitch push notifications from the same menu.  If you prefer Twitch on an iPad, use the same steps as above to disable email notifications. If you face issues with Twitch on iPhone or Android, check our dedicated post to fix the issue.

Stop Getting Emails From Twitch on Android

You can disable Twitch emails on the Android app too. The steps are mostly identical to the iOS version. Let’s quickly go through them.

Step 1: Launch Twitch on your Android phone. Go to your account from the top-left corner.

Step 2: Open Account Settings.

Step 3: Select Notifications and tap By Email.

Disable email alerts for Twitch activities from the following menu.

Create Rules to Stop Twitch Emails

After making all the changes, do you still receive emails from Twitch? You need to create rules to stop Twitch messages from appearing in your email inbox.

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If you use Gmail, create a filter and automatically move such emails to the spam box or delete them. You can read our dedicated post to create such filters and keep your Gmail inbox clean of bogus emails. If you use Outlook, go through the tips below to make changes.

Step 1: Visit Outlook on the web, sign in with your account details and click the Settings gear in the top-right corner.

Step 2: Open Rules under Mail.

Step 3: Click ‘Add new rule.’

Step 4: Assign a name to your rules, add a condition, and select an action.

For example, you can create a condition that if the email message body includes a ‘Twitch’ word, mark it as junk or delete it.

Step 5: Hit Save to run the rule.

Why Should You Turn off Twitch Email Notifications

Here are some of the reasons to disable Twitch email notifications.

  • Dozens of Twitch email notifications every day can be distracting.
  • Twitch messages can fill up your Gmail or Outlook inbox. Instead of frequently deleting such messages, make changes in your Twitch account to stop receiving them in the first place.
  • For most users, Twitch push notifications on Android or iPhone should be completely fine.

Can I Change My Twitch Email

You can easily change your Twitch email address from the Settings menu on the web. You can check the Security and Privacy tab and click the pencil icon beside the email to change it. Do note that your email can’t be changed more than once every 24 hours. So you can divert those email notifications to a secondary email.

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Keep Your Email Inbox Free of Twitch

Why am I getting too many Twitch emails? It’s one of the frequently asked questions from Twitch users. Thankfully, the Amazon-owned company makes it straightforward to disable the behavior.

Categories: How to

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