How to Set Up Sleep Timer on Apple TV

Apple TV offers one of the best viewing and user experiences among most streaming devices available. With tvOS 17, Apple TV models received the much-awaited feature inclusion of Sleep Timer, along with other features like taking FaceTime calls from Apple TV 4K.


In this post, we will share the steps to set up the Sleep Timer on your Apple TV model. You can use it to automatically turn off your Apple TV after a certain duration of inactivity. The steps mentioned below apply to all Apple TV models running on tvOS 17 or above.

Set Up Sleep Timer on Apple TV

Does Apple TV have a Sleep Timer? Yes, you can set it up to automatically turn off your TV screen after you are done watching your movie or TV show. This also helps when you tend to fall asleep while watching something and you don’t have to worry about turning off your Apple TV using the remote.

Here are two ways to set up the Sleep Timer on your Apple TV model.

Using Settings App

Step 1: Open the Settings app from the home screen of your Apple TV.

settings apple tv 4k

Step 2: Select General.

general settings apple tv

Step 3: Scroll down and select Sleep After.

sleep timer apple tv

Step 4: Select the duration after which the Sleep Timer should activate.

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set sleep timer apple tv

You can even choose to never activate the Sleep Timer automatically on your Apple TV model.

Using Control Center

With tvOS 17, Apple TV also includes the Control Center that mimics the functionality of iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Here’s how you can quickly activate the Sleep Timer using Control Center.

Step 1: Long-press the TV button on your Apple TV Remote to access the Control Center.

tv icon apple tv remote

Step 2: Select the Sleep Timer shortcut in the Control Center.

sleep timer control centre apple tv

Step 3: Choose the duration of inactivity after which the Sleep Timer should activate on your Apple TV model.

select sleep timer duration apple tv control centre

You can refer to our post in case your Apple TV is responding to the remote.

Best Fixes for Sleep Timer Not Working on Apple TV

While the Sleep Timer would usually shut off your Apple TV, there might be times when it fails to work. If the feature is not working on your Apple TV model, here are some basic troubleshooting methods to fix the issue.

1. Update Apple TV

With the release of every new feature, Apple needs to keep pushing a few software updates to make it work perfectly. We suggest you install the latest tvOS software version on your Apple TV model.

Step 1: On the home screen, open the Settings app on your Apple TV model.

settings apple tv 4k

Step 2: Scroll down and select System from the list of options.

Step 3: Select Software Updates.

Step 4: Select Update Software.

Step 5: If an update is available, download and install it.

After that, check if you can adjust the sleep timer.

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2. Reset Apple TV

If the software update did not help, you can reset your Apple TV model. However, that will remove all your downloaded apps and restore all system settings to default. After that, you can set everyting again and check whether you can access the Sleep Timer. Here’s how.

Step 1: On the home screen, open the Settings app on your Apple TV model.

settings apple tv 4k

Step 2: Scroll down and select System from the list of options.

system settings apple tv 4k

Step 3: Scroll down and select Reset.

Step 4: Select Reset again on your screen.

reset apple tv 4k settings

Note: If you select Reset and Update, your Apple TV model will be restored to its factory settings and will be updated to the latest tvOS version (if an update is available).

Step 5: Select Reset again to confirm. Ensure that your Apple TV remains plugged into the power source.

Reset Apple TV With Remote (3rd Generation or Earlier)

Step 1: Open Settings from the home screen of your Apple TV.

settings apple tv 4k

Step 2: Scroll down and go to General.

general settings apple tv

Step 3: Scroll down and select Reset.

Step 4: Select Reset All Settings.

We suggest keeping your Apple TV plugged into the power source till the reset process completes.

Set Sleep Timer on Apple TV

Using the Sleep Timer automatically turns off your Apple TV without the need to use your remote every time. You can also set up Parental Controls on your Apple TV to limit accidental access to inappropriate content if you have a younger audience at home.

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