Choose What Starts Automatically on Windows 8 Skype App

Skype thumbnails

We recently told you about

Windows 8 Skype App Permissions

and detail the process for managing them. Well, today it’s time to understand and make you aware of another layer of settings. We will talk about application behavior to automatically receive incoming calls or trigger incoming screen and video sharing.

While setting these parameters to automatic saves you time and effort, it has more downsides in my opinion. For example, you are leaving your desk and an incoming call is triggered. That wouldn’t leave a good impression on the caller, would it?

Another example of screen/video sharing – let’s say you’re in a public place or at work when a friend shares something. It launches automatically and then you realize it shouldn’t pop up in that place. It can create an awkward situation for you.

Quick Tip: Desktop Skype users who want to learn about screen sharing should check out this article. Yet another cool trick is being able to record Skype calls for future reference. Here is a list of 5 such tools.

This guide covers the steps to change the setting and disable that automatic. Let us get started.

Step 1: First and foremost, navigate to the start screen and launch the Skype app.

Step 2: Once the app is up and running, slide your mouse pointer to the right edge of the screen (to show the charm bar) and tap Setting.

Step 3: The Setting The control panel for the Skype application will appear. From the list, choose to go to Option (as shown in the image below).

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Skype settings option

Step 4: The Option The screen has many things. We need to focus on Videotapes And call part.

Skype option E1367256981408

(a) Click the drop-down menu to Incoming video and screen sharing. Select Ask so that when there is a video or screen sharing next time, the app will ask your permission to continue.

Video screen sharing

(b) Theo call section, toggle button against Answer incoming calls automatically ARRIVE ARE NOT. This will ensure that you manually answer every incoming call.

Answer Skype calls

Quick Tip: Under Privacy section you can also choose who can text or call you. That acts as a deterrent against unwanted calls and instant messages.


As I explained, automatic may not always be the right choice. This isn’t a security tip, but it’s certainly a measure of how much control you want over your personal activities.

Don’t forget to stop by in the comments and let us know what your preferences are in this case. Do you like how it is set (automatically) or will you change it to manual?

Categories: How to

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