How to Record a Time-Lapse Video of Mac Screen

You’ll find time-lapse videos on Instagram Stories, Instagram Stories, and even YouTube on a variety of things. Be it artists making art or sculptures, chefs show off their cooking skills and others. That’s the beauty of time lapse, allowing manufacturers to demonstrate a complex process to create something in just a minute or so. While most people use phones, you can record everything on your Mac screen with a dedicated app.

How to shoot time lapse on mac screen

I know, you’ll wonder: why bother with a dedicated app when you can use any screen recording app? Well, you still have to edit those videos to make time lapse out of them. That’s why a dedicated app works. You can record time-lapse videos to show the creation of digital artwork or montages in your workflow. You can even add multiple clips on a single screen on Instagram to turn it into a different, interesting story.

That’s how I started using the new Hustl app for Mac to shoot smaller time-lapse videos for graphics or images I created with Pixelmator.

The best part about the time lapse app is that it doesn’t actually record video. The app takes a series of screenshots and stitches them together according to your preferences.

Since I often try many applications, it is difficult to remember the exact shortcuts or setting names. These time-lapse videos help me quickly catch up on my previous work on my Mac. Here’s how you can record a time lapse video on your mac screen using Hustl.

First, you need to download the Hustl time-lapse recording app for Mac. You can get the Hustl app for $29.99 directly from the developer’s website. But I will tell you how to get it for less than that.

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You can get it for free with a SetApp subscription for $9.99 per month. With this app store subscription, you can use more than 200 apps per month for free.

That’s how you can enjoy Hustl and some other apps for free by paying a subscription fee.

After installing the Hustl application, you need to set options for recording different types of time-lapse videos. Here’s how you can set it up and configure it to record time-lapse videos according to your needs and convenience.

Step 1: Launch Hustl and you will see it running smoothly on the Menu bar.

Hustl . application menu bar

Step 2: Click on the Hustl icon. Select the gear icon to launch the pop-up menu and select Options from there.

Hustl application options

Step 3: Go to the Recording tab.

This is the main setting to let you fine-tune your time-lapse video.

Recording Tab Hustl . App

Understand the different settings to set your expectations and choose the right options for the video.


In this section, you will have to choose how long in Seconds between shots while recording a time lapse. It means the interval between shots to determine the speed of the final video. The app lets you choose one of seven seconds interval settings – 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 seconds.

Application Hustl interval seconds

Then you have to choose Recording Quality between normal and maximum. As noted on windows, Maximum Quality can force the MacBook’s fan (if any) to run faster than normal.

There is one important option – Always set crop area to full screen. Select the check box if you want to record all activities like accessing different menu options and the time in the top right corner. Otherwise you’ll just have to settle for the clipped or selected view, it’s entirely up to you. So, if you uncheck this box, the app will launch with a customizable box to adjust the area of ​​your Mac screen that you want to record.

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Hustl . recording area


This area will help you create the final result of the time lapse. You can choose between 12, 24, 30 or 60 frames per second when exporting the video. Yes, you can predefine what FPS you want to record your time lapse at.

FPS Options Hustl . App

Of course, you can choose a resolution from 480p to 8K from the drop-down option. Choosing a higher resolution and higher fps means more work on your Mac, and make sure you choose the appropriate options.

Resolution Options Hustl . App

Currently, you can only choose between MP4 and MOV file types. Thankfully, those are widely accepted video formats.

After you’ve selected your options, it’s time to prepare for the session. Finally, launch the app or activity you want to perform.

Take a fun time lapse video

Now you know how to record a time lapse video on your Mac screen for entertainment or reference purposes. I used the app to record a lot of clips for reference purposes. The best part about a dedicated time lapse app is that you will save a lot of time and energy. Otherwise, you’ll have to record your Mac’s screen first, then open it in a video editor to turn it into a time-lapse video. And finally, export it. So visualize the number of steps you skipped.

Categories: How to

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