How to Rebuild Search Index in Windows 11

Indexing your files and folders allows Windows to locate them quickly when you search for them using the Windows Search menu. However, if this search index library is corrupted or inaccessible, Windows may take longer than usual to locate your file, display incomplete search results, or cause errors. In such cases, rebuilding the search index may be necessary.

How to rebuild the search index in Windows 11

In addition to the Windows Search engine, some apps, including File Explorer, Photos, Outlook, Edge, and others, use the search index to provide search results for files and other content. Therefore, it is important to quickly resolve problems with the search index. In this post, we will show you how to rebuild Windows 11’s search index and discuss the results of this. So let’s get started.

How to rebuild search index with indexing option

The most commonly used method for rebuilding the search index is through the Indexing Options panel. Note that you can only do this if you have administrative rights on your Windows computer.

To rebuild the search index using Indexing Options, follow these steps:

Step 1: Right-click on the Start icon and select Settings from the list. Alternatively, press the Windows + I key combination to achieve the same thing.

Open Settings on Windows 11

Step 2: Select Privacy & security from the left sidebar.

Privacy and security settings on Windows 11

Step 3: Click Search Windows.

Windows 11 Search

Step 4: Scroll down to Related Settings and click on Advanced Indexing Options.

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Advanced indexing options on Windows

Step 5: In the Indexing Options window that appears, click the Advanced button.

Advanced indexing options

Step 6: Select Yes when the User Account Control (UAC) prompt appears.

UAC . Reminder

Step 7: In the Index Settings tab, click the Rebuild button next to ‘Delete and rebuild index.’

Rebuilding the Windows Search Index

Step 8: Click OK to confirm.

Rebuilding the search index in Windows 11

After completing the above steps, wait for Windows to rebuild the search index. You can continue to use your PC as normal while Windows rebuilds the search index. However, Windows search may not work properly after this process is complete.

How to rebuild search index with batch file

Running batch files on your computer can help you execute a series of commands in sequence. You can also set up a batch file to rebuild the search index in Windows. This approach eliminates the need to navigate through menus whenever you want to rebuild the search index, making the process more efficient and convenient.

To create a batch file to rebuild the search index in Windows, follow these steps:

Step 1: Press the Windows + S key combination to access the search menu.

Step 2: Enter notebook and select the first result that appears.

Open Notepad on Windows 11

Step 3: Paste the following batch file code into the Notepad window.

@echo turn off net stop wsearch REG ADD “HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows Search” /v SetupCompletedSuccessfully /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f delete “%ProgramData%MicrosoftSearchDataApplicationsWindowsWindows.edb” :wsearch net start wsearch IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (access :wsearch ) OTHER choose :END :END


Step 4: Click the File menu at the top and select Save As.

Save the Notepad file

Step 5: Select the All files option in the Save as type drop-down menu. Enter Rebuild index.bat in the File name box.

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Save Notepad File in Windows

Step 6: Click the Save button.

Save Notepad File in Windows 11

Step 7: Locate the Rebuild index.bat file on your PC. Right click on it and select Run as administrator.

Run batch files in Windows

Step 8: Select Yes when the User Account Control (UAC) prompt appears to begin the process of rebuilding the Windows search index.

Batch file UAC prompt

Once you’re familiar with rebuilding the search database, understand what happens in the process.

What happens when you rebuild the search index on Windows

When you rebuild the search index, Windows deletes the existing search database and scans your system to create a new index database for all other files and content. Because this process resets all indexing options to their default settings, you’ll need to reconfigure any custom indexing options on your PC that you want to apply. Additionally, you may notice higher CPU usage when Windows tries to rebuild the index from scratch.

Search bar on Windows 11

The length of time it takes to rebuild a search index in Windows depends on several factors, such as the number of files Windows is indexing, your PC’s processing power, and other variables.

Get search results lightning fast

Windows indexing is an extremely useful feature that allows you to quickly locate your files and folders. At times, you may have to rebuild the search index to fix any problems and restore its functionality. Thankfully, the process is simple if you follow the right steps.

If indexing suddenly stops in Windows 11, don’t worry. There are several ways to get the Indexing tool back up and running again.

Categories: How to

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