How to Play Any Video on a Pop-Up Frame on Android

Video Player SmartphoneDouble Design /

Multitasking as a habit may not lead to a productive life, but with such powerful devices in our pockets, it would be a waste to ignore this habit when working on smartphones. our intelligence. An example is when we are working on text and audio files. Although we can use multiple windows to read articles while working on other applications, the audio continues to play in the background, allowing us to explore other documents at the same time. at the time.

But things change when it comes to video. When you are watching a video on your droid, the device will force the user to stay on the website or keep the app open while the video is being played. Sure, if it’s a short video it doesn’t make any significant difference. But what if you’re watching a long talk and you don’t have to stare at it the whole time. It’s a waste, isn’t it? So please provide that multi-tasking fix.

Awesome Pop-up Video Player for Android

In such situations, you can use a great player called Awesome Pop Up Video. Apps play videos in pop-ups above other apps, just like when you’re on a computer. Additional integration with the Xposed Module extends the player’s capabilities to apps like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the videos you play in your browser.

As soon as you install the awesome Pop-up Video player, the Xposed module will detect the app and you will have to enable the module and restart the app. If you have a direct URL to any video, you can paste that URL directly into the app and the video will start in a pop-up.

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Awesome 3 Pop-up Video PlayerPop-up player

The app will automatically detect any video you play on its app and give you a congratulatory message asking if you want to play it using a pop-up screen. Pop-ups won’t work for apps that have implemented custom video players like VLC, MX Player, etc.

Awesome 4 . Pop-up Video PlayerAwesome Pop-up Video Player 2

Note: If you want to play YouTube videos, additional Xposed module must be installed from Xposed repository.

In the app settings you can choose to enable or disable the app so that awesome Pop Up Video player detects it. Also, if you are sure about any app you want to play in the pop-up by default, enable the option for that particular app. An option to automatically repeat the video is also available.

Amazing 5 . Pop-up Video PlayerAwesome pop-up video player 1

The free version of the player can play 5 minutes per video. The limit can be removed by choosing the pro version for only $1.99. But for XDA readers, the developer has arranged a free app without any limitation. However, you can donate to the developer as a gesture of appreciation. Video downloads are also available through the app, but YouTube videos are blacklisted.


That’s pretty much everything about the great Pop-up Video player. The name of the app certainly makes sense. It plays any video you throw at it and makes multi-tasking a great experience.

Categories: How to

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