How to Manage Data In Numbers On Mac With Filters

Apple Digital Filter

Just like any other spreadsheet application, Apple Numbers provides users with different ways to manage and organize your data to make it easier to work with, especially when there is a lot of data. Whether.

For this, Numbers’ filtering and sorting features take a simpler, easier-to-understand approach in the latest versions of the app, largely due to Apple’s idea of ​​unifying apps. Use their productivity across all devices and platforms.

Let’s take a closer look at these essential Numbers features.

Note: While you’re at it, you might also want to check out our entries on Number basics and some tips on how to make it more productive for you.

Sort data

Organizing large chunks of data can be very helpful for putting your Numbers spreadsheet in order and getting a big picture of all your information in it. Sorting allows you to change the column by which your table is sorted.

To do that on Numbers, first click Sort & Filter at the top right of the window to display the relevant panel.

Sort buttonclassification table

From there, you can click Add a column… button to select a sorted column. Once you’re done, you’ll be able to choose whether you want the data to show ascending or descending.

Sort Select

That’s not all though. If you want to sort your data by more than one criterion (for example, by name and number), you can do so by adding another column to the mix.

Sort multiple columnsSort columns change

Alternatively, you can choose to sort the entire table or just the selected column, although selecting the latter may obfuscate your table.

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Filter the data

When it comes to managing data on spreadsheets, Filtering is probably the most important feature you can use, because, as the name implies, it allows you to focus on specific groups of data. depending on the criteria you choose.

Filter options in Numbers are in the same place as Sort options. Just click Filter tab to start using it.

Filter card

To do so, first click Add filters… and select the column you want to filter.

Filter More

Once done, you must choose a rule to filter the data of that column. For this, Numbers presents a fairly intuitive Rule Table with five main tabs, each representing a category of data to filter.

Filters panel tab

As seen below, each of these categories has a set of rules. When you select a filter, you must specify the range of the filter before applying it. In this example, I decided to filter the Budget column (with the letter ‘F’) so that it only shows amounts greater than 200.

Filter SelectFilter More than 200Filter table example

The same rules can be applied to filter text, dates, and other types of data. You can also apply multiple filters to different columns in your table, allowing you to really narrow down the information to be examined.


As you can see, it’s extremely useful to sort and filter your data on Numbers. And if you’ve used these functions in Excel before, Numbers makes it easier with the new approach.

Categories: How to

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