How to Make the Most Out of Evernote Web Clipper

Evernote Web Clipper is one of the best tools if your job involves browsing the web all the time – for example, you’re a news or article writer (or you just want to stay up to date). Here’s how to get the most out of this amazing tool.

Evernote Web Cutter

Evernote Web Cutter

First of all, why is it important to use a tool like Evernote Web Clipper? Well, because it helps you save stuff that you’ll want to revisit later. Additionally, the aforementioned content is stored in your Evernote account, where you can easily find and organize it.

These are made possible through the Chrome extension, which has recently received a lot of new and useful features, which we will be looking at.

Start by installing the extension from the Chrome Web Store if you don’t already have it installed. Once installed, you’ll notice that you have a new button on Chrome’s toolbar, one that looks like an elephant. This little button will be your friend from now on.

Evernote Web Clipper Button

Once you’ve browsed through a page that you’d like to keep for later, click on your little elephant friend and he’ll bring up some very useful options. Let’s take a look at the coolest ones.

Save When Needed

This is one of the best parts. Maybe you just want the text of an article, for simple reading, without all the images in it. You can just save the article itself, in a simplified form without all the graphics, or even the entire page if you like.

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However, if you just need a bookmark, that’s also doable.

Evernote Web Clipper save option

keep tidy

If you are someone who likes to keep your information separated, this extension is great for facilitating organization. Web Clipper allows you to save your cuts in any notebook you want. I have created a special notebook just for my website scraps. You can even create specific notebooks for work, personal messages, etc.

That way, it will be much easier to find your content. You can also save directly to a shared notebook. This allows you to easily share your browsing discoveries with anyone with access. You can easily change the notebook you’re saving to; just click the arrow next to the title of the active notebook.

Evernote Web Clipper Notebook Select

You can also add tags and comments to the content you’re cutting to make it easier to find.

Save PDF files straight to Evernote

This is a feature I really like. When viewing PDFs online, you can easily save (or bookmark) to your Evernote account for later viewing. If you click the toolbar button in the PDF viewer, you will notice that the menus have changed. Now you can crop PDF files or bookmark pages yourself.

Evernote Web Clipper Pdf

Easy access

You don’t have to go through the toolbar menu if you just want to quickly crop something. It is possible to just right click on the page you want to crop; The menu will include the necessary options.

Evernote Web Clipper Right Click

If you have a particular Evernote Web Clipper feature that you use frequently, know that there is definitely a shortcut to that feature. To see what it is, click the Web Clipper button on your Google Chrome toolbar, then click Option.

Evernote Web Clipper Option

Now go to Keyboard Shortcuts navigation. I’m sure the feature you use the most has its own keyboard shortcut, and that’s all you need to remember. You can also edit shortcuts for a more convenient, personalized experience.

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Evernote Web Clipper Shortcuts

Screenshots with your own notes

I’ve saved one of the best parts for last. If you choose screenshot in the menu, you can take a screenshot of the part of the page you’re viewing, which you can annotate with anything you want.

You can even blur parts of an image, and you can also insert text or highlight what you need to remember.

Evernote Web Clipper screenshot

bottom line

Along with Evernote itself, Evernote Web Clipper makes for a pretty unbeatable package when it comes to finding a tool to save and catalog the articles, images, and other information you encounter while browsing online.

Categories: How to

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