How to Make in Infinite Craft

How to Make in Infinite Craft

Infinite Craft is a sandbox game created by Neal Agarwal.

Players must create new elements using the four elements—water, fire, wind, and earth.

By combining two elements, players can discover a new element.

For example, you’ll get a new element called “Wave” by combining water and wind.

The game uses generative AI including LLaMA and Together AI, so the possibilities are endless.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to craft or make in Infinite Craft (using the fastest and easiest recipe).

How to Make in Infinite Craft

Here’s how to make in Infinite Craft:

  1. 🔥 Fire +💨 Wind =💨 Smoke
  2. 💨 Smoke +💧 Water =🌫️ Fog
  3. 🌎 Earth +🌫️ Fog =🌫️ Mist
  4. 🌎 Earth +💧 Water =🌱 Plant
  5. 🔥 Fire +🔥 Fire =🌋 Volcano
  6. 🌎 Earth +🌱 Plant =🌳 Tree
  7. 🌎 Earth +💨 Wind =🌫️ Dust
  8. 🌫️ Dust +🌳 Tree =🌲 Wood
  9. 💧 Water +💨 Wind =🌊 Wave
  10. 💧 Water +💧 Water =🌊 Lake
  11. 🌊 Lake +🌋 Volcano =🏝️ Island
  12. 🌳 Tree +💧 Water =🌊 River
  13. 💧 Water +🌲 Wood =📃 Paper
  14. 🌎 Earth +🌊 Wave =🏖️ Sand
  15. 🌎 Earth +🏝️ Island =🌎 Continent
  16. 🌎 Earth +🌊 River =⬇️ Delta
  17. 🌫️ Dust +📃 Paper =📚 Book
  18. 🔥 Fire +💧 Water =💨 Steam
  19. 🔥 Fire +🏖️ Sand =🥃 Glass
  20. 🌎 Continent +🌊 Lake =🇺🇸 America
  21. 📚 Book +⬇️ Delta =🔠 Alphabet
  22. 🥃 Glass +💨 Steam =🪞 Mirror
  23. 🔠 Alphabet +🇺🇸 America =🇬🇧 English
  24. 🇬🇧 English +🪞 Mirror =🔤 Spelling
  25. 🌫️ Mist +🔤 Spelling =🤪 Mispelling
  26. 🔥 Fire +💨 Steam =🚗 Engine
  27. 🚗 Engine +💨 Wind =🌬️ Windmill
  28. 💨 Wind +🌬️ Windmill =⚡️ Electricity
  29. ⚡️ Electricity +🌊 River =🦎 Eel
  30. 🌱 Plant +💨 Wind =🌼 Dandelion
  31. 🌼 Dandelion +💧 Water =🍷 Wine
  32. 💧 Water +🍷 Wine =💦 Holy Water
  33. 🌼 Dandelion +🌱 Plant =🌿 Weed
  34. 🔥 Fire +💦 Holy Water =🧛 Vampire
  35. 🧛 Vampire +🌿 Weed =🧮 Count
  36. 🌫️ Dust +🔥 Fire =🌋 Ash
  37. 🧮 Count +🧮 Count =🔢 Number
  38. 🌎 Earth +🌎 Earth =🏔️ Mountain
  39. 🌋 Ash +🔢 Number =4️⃣ 4
  40. 🌎 Continent +🍷 Wine =🇪🇺 Europe
  41. 🏔️ Mountain +🔢 Number =8️⃣ 8
  42. 4️⃣ 4 +🔥 Fire =🖐️ 5
  43. 8️⃣ 8 +🇪🇺 Europe =🎂 8th
  44. 🖐️ 5 +🔥 Fire =🔟 6
  45. 🔟 6 +🎂 8th =🔑 14th
  46. 🔑 14th +🔠 Alphabet =🆎 N
  47. 🆎 N + 🦎 Eel =🌊 Neel
  48. 🌊 Neel + 🤪 Mispelling =🤠 Neal
  49. 🌫️ Dust +💨 Wind =🌪️ Sandstorm
  50. 🌪️ Sandstorm +💧 Water =🏜️ Oasis
  51. 🏜️ Oasis +🌱 Plant =💑 Date
  52. 🌎 Earth +🌳 Tree =🌲 Forest
  53. 💑 Date +💧 Water =💑 Dating
  54. 🌎 Continent +🌲 Forest =📦 Amazon
  55. 📦 Amazon +💑 Dating =💻 Online
  56. 🌎 Earth +💻 Online =🌐 Website
  57. 🤠 Neal +🌐 Website =🌎
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Further reading

How to Make Australia in Infinite Craft

How to Make Monster in Infinite Craft

How to Make GTA in Infinite Craft

Categories: How to

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