How to Kill Programs Not Responding in Windows from Right-Click Menu

It’s hard to disagree when I say that 8 out of 10 times we open Task Manager on Windows, it’s to end unresponsive programs. Opening task manager just to cancel tasks when there are many unresponsive apps can take time.

Today I will show you a simple trick using it so that you can kill all unresponsive applications on Windows in a flash from the desktop right-click context menu.

Note: The steps involve editing the registry. Make sure you have backed up the registry in the external drive first. Also, we have provided a modified registry key for download at the end of the article in case you don’t want to follow the steps manually.

Add command

Step 1: Open Run Command and type in re-edit and run it to open Windows Registry Editor as administrator.

Regedit command

Step 2: In the editor navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell and create a new key from the right click menu. Name the new key Kill Task (or any other name you like). Right click on Kill task and add two string values. Name both Icon And Position respectively and set the value as explorer.exe,9 And Top. This will give the command an icon and pin it as the first thing on the context menu.

More to kill quests

Step 3: Again right click on Kill the action key and add a new subkey. Name the secondary key Command and change the default data value to taskkill /F /FI “eq STATUS NOT REACTIVE”

New keyRequest

That’s all, next time you right click on your desktop you will see the option Kill Task. To remove it from the menu you just need to delete the key you created above in the registry.

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While writing the article, I made the mentioned changes on my computer. If you don’t want to do the above manually, you can download my backed up registry key (UPDATE: File no longer available) and make the above changes by running the file.

Categories: How to

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