How to Integrate KeePassXC with Chrome, Edge & Firefox

Quick Tips

  • KeepPassXC integrates with Windows security using Hello, Fingerprint unlocks, and Face unlock.
  • Browser Extensions are available for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
  • Create multiple databases to separate profiles.

Entering your passwords on different websites frequently can be challenging, mainly if you use complex passwords and a different one for each login. But this is where password managers like KeePassXC come into play. This is an ideal tool if you are looking for OS-level software to manage your passwords. This tool is similar to KeePass, an excellent replacement for LastPass, and ensures that things are more straightforward.

How to Integrate KeePassXC With Chrome, Edge and Firefox

Step 1: First, download KeePassXC from its official website and follow the screen instructions to install the software. After installing the software, launch it and click on Create Database.

Create Database KeepPassXC

Step 2:  Give your database a name and description, and click Continue. Next, choose a database format and decryption time and click Continue. (You can keep these settings at default).

KeepPassXC Database Encryption

Step 3: Now enter a password to protect your database, click on Done, and save the database file somewhere safe.

Step 4: Now click on the Plus icon and save your usernames, passwords, and login url one by one. Alternatively, once you install its browser extension, you can save your login details directly from the website.

Edit Database Entry KeepPassXC

Step 5: Click the Settings button and go to Browser integration. Enable browser integration here, choose the type of browser you would like to use, and click OK.

KeepPassXC Browser Integration Extension

Step 6: Open your web browser and go to the following URL to install the browser extension for your browser.

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Step 7: Once the extension is installed, click on it and then click on the Reload button. You might also see a Connect or Reconnect button to establish a connection between the software and the browser.

Connect KeepPassXC Extension to Desktop Software

Step 8: Give the connection a unique name or ID to identify it. Click on Save and allow access. Once it is complete, the message: KeePassXC-Browser is connected to KeePassXC and configured using the following identifier will show up.

Password Database View KeepPassXC

Once you’ve done this, you should see a KeePassXC option whenever you visit a website that requires login. You can either enter the saved password from the database or save the login details to the tool directly.

Note: Keep the master password and database location noted somewhere. If you lose either of them, you won’t be able to access any of the passwords stored in it. If you want to sync across computers, you can use any cloud storage.

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