How to install vcpkg on Ubuntu

vcpkg is a C and C++ package manager for library collection and management.

You can download over 1,500 open source libraries or add your own.

It is maintained by the Microsoft C++ team and open source contributors.

In this tutorial you will learn how to install vcpkg on Ubuntu, test it and uninstall it.

  • How to install vcpkg on Ubuntu
  • How to check vcpkg on Ubuntu
  • How to Uninstall vcpkg on Ubuntu

How to install vcpkg on Ubuntu

To install vcpkg on Ubuntu, you need to prepare the environment and install vcpkg from the GitHub repository.

Step 1: Prepare the environment

update sudo apt sudo apt install -y zip unzip

Step 2: Install the build-essential and pkg-config packages

install sudo apt -y build-essential pkg-config

Step 3: Install vcpkg from GitHub

wget -O vcpkg.tar.gz

Step 4: Create a new folder to contain vcpkg and extract the tar.gz . file

sudo mkdir /opt/vcpkg sudo tar xf vcpkg.tar.gz –strip-components=1 -C /opt/vcpkg

Step 5: Build vcpkg

sudo /opt/vcpkg/

Step 6: Create a symlink to the vcpkg command in “/usr/local/bin”

sudo ln -s /opt/vcpkg/vcpkg /usr/local/bin/vcpkg

Step 7: Check vcpkg version

vcpkg version

Step 8: Delete the tar.gz . file

rm -rf vcpkg.tar.gz

How to check vcpkg on Ubuntu

To test vcpkg on Ubuntu you need to install the zlib library and get a list of installed libraries by running two separate commands.

1. Install the zlib . library

sudo vcpkg install zlib:x64-linux

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2. Get a list of installed libraries

list sudo vcpkg

How to Uninstall vcpkg on Ubuntu

To completely uninstall vcpkg on Ubuntu, you need to delete the vcpkg installation directory, remove the symlinks, clear the cache and related directories, and also uninstall the related packages and dependencies.

1. Delete vcpkg . installation directory

sudo rm -rf /opt/vcpkg

2. Remove symbolic link

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/vcpkg

3. Clear cache and related folders

sudo rm -rf /root/.cache/vcpkg sudo rm -rf /root/.vcpkg rm -rf ~/.vcpkg

4. Uninstall related packages and dependencies

sudo apt purge –autoremove -y zip unzip build-essential cpp make binutils pkg-config

read more

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Categories: How to

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