How To Host a Website From Your Home Computer – Guiding Tech

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One of the prerequisites for starting a website is knowing where to host the files and the cost of a domain name. Of course, there are ways to go about it. You can choose from many free hosts (like or or choose a self-hosted one. Self-hosting means more freedom and not having to depend on Google or WordPress for some things.

Self-hosting means going with a hosting provider or hosting it yourself. You can always start by simply serving web files from your computer. If you weren’t expecting too many visitors at first, this is a great way to make your name known by having pages to display your products or services. Of course, that means your computer needs to be on all the time as it will act as the server but then we almost always set it to always on, right?

We’ll see how to get the hostname to point to your computer, so you can use it like a real website domain, and how to forward requests to the computer that acts as the web server.

Set up a static IP address

A static address is an address that doesn’t change. For example, always 11.22.333.44. If this is the case for you, then you can easily give your IP address to someone and they can access your website, if the necessary steps have been taken. However, if you have a dynamic (changing) IP, this won’t work very well as you have to keep coming up with new IPs and then sharing that IP with everyone again.

See the difference between static and dynamic IP addresses with this post.

Whether you have a static or dynamic address, accessing a website using its IP address is not user-friendly. We’ll take a program that can give us a human readable name, such as a regular website, and then continuously update the naming service with the current external IP. , even if it’s a dynamic IP.

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Step 1: Create a free account and using this link here. Fill in the basic information and then check the box labeled Create my hostname later.


Scroll to the bottom and select Free sign up.

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Step 2: The next necessary step is to activate your account using the email that No-IP sends.

Step 3: Once your account is verified, visit this link here to create a new server.

Choose any free domain from the drop-down list. Select DNS Server (A) for hostname Type, and then leave the rest as is. It’s normal for the IP address to show up like this – it won’t be kept this way even if you’re using a dynamic address with your ISP.

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Scroll to the bottom and select More servers.

Step 4: To make sure the changed IP address is always associated with the hostname, we will need to download it Dynamic DNS update client. Get this program here.

Start my login with your email address and password from Step 1.

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Click Edit server and then check the box next to the server just created in Step 3.

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Click Rescue and note that the IP address you are currently using will be associated with this hostname.

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You can exit this program at any time, but keep running it because it will minimize to the notification area.

Note: You must verify that you still want this hostname to work once a month, or it will be suspended until you log in and say you want to keep it. That’s a small price to pay for a free service.

Install web server software

Now that the IP will always be associated with the hostname, the next important step is to install the necessary software to serve the website. We’ll recommend a few programs for you to try, depending on what suits your needs.

HTTP File Server (HFS)

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HFS is a popular program for hosting simple web pages. I’ve been using it to host a page for months without errors. If you want to host a website using only HTML, this is a great portable program.

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Step 1: Download HFS using this link here.

Step 2: Once installed, open a single file that has been downloaded, named HFS. Press the button F5 key to switch Expert mode. Right click on the little house icon in the left pane and select the option named Link root to real directory.

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Browse for the folder containing the website files. Refer to the next section to direct traffic to this server using the port forwarding function in the router.


You may need a server that supports PHP. HFS does not support PHP, so using QuickPHP can serve as a good alternative.

Step 1: This program is portable. It is presented as a ZIP file and can be downloaded here.

Step 2: At launch, the settings are simple. Enter the server’s local IP address, 80 for the port number, then select the site file for Root directory text area.

The Default document file name is to specify what QuickPHP will look for and present as the original file. my file contains a Index.html the page will be loaded when accessing the website. Because it is listed here, the file will be displayed as the default page. In other words, when the server is loaded from JonFisher.HopTo.orgThe Index page will load first.

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Select Begin to start serving the files as a web page.

Direct HTTP traffic to the server

Similar to forwarding FTP traffic to an internal IP to serve files over FTP, incoming website traffic needs to be redirected to the local computer serving the website. We do this from the router.

Hot Tip: Also, see how port forwarding is useful for setting up a remote desktop client with this guide.

Step 1: Open a command prompt on the web server computer and type IPconfig to find the default gateway address, like so:

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Step 2: Open the port in the browser and navigate to the configuration section that mentions port forwarding.

My Linksys WRT150N settings are below Apps & Games > Single Port Forwarding. Select predefined HTTP application or make a manual selection using the portal 80. Send this forward to the computer that is acting as the web server. The address will be listed next to IPv4 addresslike in the screenshot above.

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Make sure to save the changes before continuing.

Depending on the program you used above, along with the website files, you should now be able to access the locally hosted website using the hostname you configured.

Here is an example of my website hosted using HFS on my local computer:

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It’s obvious how easy (easy if you can follow the steps correctly) to start serving your site files from your own computer without spending a dime on translation. hosting or domain name. Yes, we understand that the free hostname options aren’t great, but using it doesn’t cost anything. DNS update client is great for keeping IPs up to date with hostnames without having to do it manually.

Categories: How to

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