How to Hide Files Inside JPEG / GIF or PNG Images

We have discussed different methods to hide files inside your computer. Methods include super-secure Truecrypt which provides military-grade security and handy MyLockbox to lock down any folder. But all of these methods require installing software on your PC, which is clearly visible to others.

Now we will talk about a unique method of hiding files that is quite stealthy and does not require third-party tools. This technique involves hiding files inside a JPEG, GIF, or PNG image. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? Let’s see how it’s done.

1. Create a folder in drive C. Give it a name, say Testfile. Its location should be C:\Testfile.

2. Now move all the files you want to hide inside this folder. Also move the image file that you want to hide those files. Let’s say the files that I want to hide are FileA.txt and FileB.txt and the image file is Image.jpg. We are taking .txt files as an example. You can get files in any format (.mp3, .doc, .divx, .flv, etc.) and any number of files.

test file2

3. Select both files you want to hide (in this case, FileA.txt and FileB.txt), right-click and select “Add to Archive”. Make sure you have a file compression tool like WinZip or ZipGenius installed, a cool free winzip alternative.

test file1

4. Name it. I gave zip.rar. You can give it any name.


5. Click the “Start” button. Type cmd in the search box. Press the Enter key.


6. A command prompt window will open.

Command Prompt4

7. Type cd \ and press Enter to go to the root directory.

Command Prompt11

8. Now type cd Testfile to enter the newly created directory.

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Command Prompt21

9. Type copy /b Image.png + Compressed.rar Secretimage.png and press Enter.

Command Prompt31

10. When you look up the Testfile folder, you will find a new image file named SecretImage.png. This image file was created in the previous step with the help of the command. Secretimage is just the name given to the new image. You can put any name and extension (like xyz.jpg or xyz.png).

Both FileA.txt and FileB.txt are hidden inside this image file. You can delete the rest of the files now.


How to get our Files back from images

That’s easy too. Just right click on the image (SecretImage.png) and open it with Winrar/Winzip/ZipGenius. You will see both hidden files. Extract them anywhere on your computer.

Update: From the comments, I know that some users are having problems opening image files in the Winrar application. They can change the file extension of the secret image file where all other files are hidden from .jpg to .RAR. (In the above case SecretImage.png to Secretimage.RAR) then open it with Winrar.

It’s about hiding secret files in Images. A perfect method to hide important files. Do you like this technique? Let us know in the comments section.

Categories: How to

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