How to get Wheat Seeds & Wheat in Palworld

Wheat Seeds and Wheat are some of the coveted components in Palworld, primarily due to their ties to Wheat Plantations and Cake.

But if you don’t know where to look to get them, it might be a while before you come across either of these ingredients. So, let’s review how to get some of the game’s most vital ingredients: Wheat Seeds and Wheat.

How to get Wheat Seeds

There are a couple of different ways to get Wheat Seeds in Palworld. If you want to acquire your seeds the old-fashioned way, you can gather Wheat Seeds by hunting or capturing certain Grass-type Pals.

Buying Wheat Seeds in PalworldClick to enlarge

Bristla, Cinnamoth, Dinossom, Flopie, Robinquill, and Robinquill Terra all occasionally drop Wheat Seeds. You can almost always find several of these Pals around the centre of the Palpagos Islands, near the Ancient Ritual Site.

Alternatively, if you have the Gold Coins to spare, you can purchase Wheat Seeds and other goodies from Wandering Merchants. The Wandering Merchant at Small Settlement stocks Wheat Seeds for 100 Gold Coins a pop.

How to get Wheat

At Level 15, you can use Technology Points to unlock the recipe for the Wheat Plantation. You’ll need three Wheat Seeds, 35 Wood, and 35 Stone to build this, and then you’ll be able to turn Wheat Seeds into Wheat.

Building a Wheat Plantation in PalworldClick to enlarge

As is the case with the Berry Plantation, you may want to call upon a few Pals with the appropriate Work Traits to help you plant, water, and harvest the Wheat.

Another option is to buy Wheat outright from a Wandering Merchant. The same Wandering Merchant that sells Wheat Seeds sells Wheat, too! This will definitely work out more expensive in the long run, though.

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What can you do with Wheat?

Baking Cake in PalworldClick to enlarge

Aside from crafting the Wheat Plantation, you can use Wheat with a Mill to create Flour. Flour is an ingredient in a variety of dishes, most notably Cake. Cake is one of the most sought-after items in Palworld because it’s essential for breeding Pals.

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That’s all there is to getting Wheat Seeds and Wheat in Palworld. Slay a few Grass Pals or visit a Wandering Merchant to procure Wheat Seeds, and then use a Wheat Plantation to turn Wheat Seeds into Wheat. If farming Wheat sounds like a hassle, you can also buy it from a Wandering Merchant.

Wheat Seeds and Wheat are just a couple of the in-demand ingredients in Palworld. Learn how to get Ancient Civilization Parts, Coal, Pal Fluids, Leather, and Paldium Fragments, too!

Categories: Gaming

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