How to get to Level 100 fast in Diablo 4

There are plenty of ways to gain XP quickly and fly through the levels in Diablo 4. It pays to grow the power of your character, so you can begin to earn high-level items, take part in endgame content, and deal out monumental damage numbers. Check out some methods of levelling up below.

How to level up fast

Select a higher World Tier

The higher your World Tier, the more XP you earn in Diablo 4.Click to enlarge

When beginning your Diablo 4 journey, you should start on World Tier 2: Veteran. While it’ll be a more challenging experience than World Tier 1, it’s very manageable, and all monsters you slay on World Tier 2 grant 20% additional XP. 

As you progress in the game, you will unlock additional World Tiers. If you’re able, play on World Tier 3: Nightmare and World Tier 4: Torment to earn even more XP.

Grind World Events, Dungeons, and Strongholds

Grinding Dungeons is a great way to level up fast in Diablo 4.Click to enlarge

Participating in and completing World Events, Dungeons, and Strongholds are some of the best ways to level up fast while playing. These activities are dense with demons, plus they reward you with bonus XP when you finish the assigned tasks.

Complete Side Quests

Diablo 4 features all sorts of Side Quests that offer enticing rewards like XP.Click to enlarge

It might be tempting to rush through the Campaign, but Side Quests are prevalent throughout the five major regions of Diablo 4.

Side Quests are usually pretty straightforward to complete and offer decent XP. If you want to maximise your XP gains, accept as many Side Quests as possible and best them in your travels!

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Earn Renown

XP is awarded as you earn Renown in Diablo 4.Click to enlarge

Earning Renown is another excellent way to level up fast. Every tier of Renown awards your character with bonus XP, among other rewards.

Earning Renown goes hand in hand with other popular XP methods too! For example, completing Side Quests, Dungeons, and Strongholds contributes toward your Renown.

Use Elixirs

You will level up way quicker in Diablo 4 if you constantly use Elixirs.Click to enlarge

Visit the Alchemist and stock up on Elixirs to level up quickly. Every Elixir buffs your XP gains by 5% for 30 minutes, so it pays to have one active at all times.

Group up

You get bonus XP for playing with other players in Diablo 4.Click to enlarge

Not only is playing Diablo with friends fun, but it’ll also increase the rate at which you level up! Partied-up players enjoy a 10% increase in their XP gains. And even if you don’t have anyone to play with, simply being near other players while partaking in activities like World Events will boost your XP gains by 5%.

XP Boosts

The Diablo 4 Battle Pass features Season Boosts that'll allow you to level up faster.Click to enlarge

The Battle Pass features Season Boosts that bolster XP gains when activated. Advance through the Season Journey to acquire Season Boosts and use them before you set off to level up more quickly.

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