How to Get Started with Google Voice on Desktop and Mobile


Google has a lot of great web apps on the market right now:

Google Docs



Google Cloud Print, etc. One of their newer and more attractive software is

Google voice


With Google Voice, you can create a number with Google that will reach you no matter where you are. Moving and switching phone numbers is suddenly no longer difficult. Not only is it convenient, but Google Voice offers a lot of fun in terms of functionality and calling options. And it’s available on your desktop and mobile as long as you’re living in the US or know the workaround.

Have a plot? Read on.

Actually Getting Started

First, you need to go to the Google Voice website and tap the nice, big, and blue button (like the big and clear buttons!) on the top left begging you to Try it out. You’ll need a Google Account to get started, and if you don’t have one (really?), select the option to create one.

Once you’ve created a Google Account or linked your existing account, Google will guide you through a series of steps needed to set up Google Voice. The first thing is to choose your phone number. You can even search based on a word or phrase, such as your name or PICKLES. Anything that gets you excited!

Step 1 Choose your number

The next step is just to choose a 4-digit access pin to check your voicemail.

Step 2 Choose your Pin

This is where things get interesting. This step allows you to specify the phone numbers to which your Google Voice number should be forwarded. This means you can set up the service so that your home, mobile, and work phones ring when someone calls your new Google number. That means you can keep a phone number, just change the number forwarded to if you need to change your home or mobile number etc.

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Step 3 Add a forwarding phone number

You will then be asked to perform a simple verification of your phone number by entering the security code provided when you received their automated call.

Step 4 Verify your phone

What can you do

Google voicemany provide user. The main part of the screen is where your voicemails and text messages will be stored and viewed, and it’s all very similar to Gmail. You can send free text messages, that’s not a feature in regular phone plans, that’s great! Simplified voicemail management translates your voicemails into text and allows you to listen to them without having to listen to countless robotic conversations (you know what I’m talking about).

Unfortunately I can’t get my own screenshot to show all of these features as Google Voice is currently unavailable in Canada (where I live). But I can assure you that I am extremely jealous of anyone who has access to full voice features.

Anyway, check out the video below which gives an overview of this exciting service.

Google’s own Start page has a more detailed breakdown of the features available with video to kick off and even a link to the Google Voice extension for the Chrome web browser.

Have fun and I’ll keep seething with envy, alone and without Google Voice.

Categories: How to

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