How to get abducted by Aliens in The Sims 4

How to get abducted by Aliens in The Sims 4

Screenshots via PeteyPlays It on YouTube

There are many strange happenings in The Sims 4, one of them being alien abductions. If you have always been curious about getting one of your sims abducted by Aliens, this guide will break down the steps you can take in order to get your sims whisked away in a UFO and come back a changed person in the game.

How to get abducted by Aliens in The Sims 4

UFO taking a sim away in The Sims 4Click to enlarge

Screenshot taken from Petey Plays It on YouTube

First and foremost, the highest chance of getting abducted by aliens comes from being in the Scientist career. This is because you get rewards from your promotions that give you opportunities to contact aliens.

These items are the Satellite Dish and the Out of this World Desktop, where you can use both of them to try and contact aliens and find your way into space. 

Learning the Logic skill is another great way of trying your luck, as becoming a Genius or having a Sim with the Genius trait will allow them to have access to additional interactions where they can try their luck and get abducted.

How to use Sims 4 cheats to get abducted by Aliens

Alien using Brain Power on another sim in The Sims 4Click to enlarge

Screenshot taken from Petey Plays It on YouTube

Alternatively, if none of these methods are working for you, you can simply cheat an alien abduction into your game. You can do this by using the following:

  • Press Control, Shift and C all at the same time
  • Type in “testingcheats true” and press enter
  • Type in “interactions.push AlienAbduction_BeAbducted” and press enter
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That will trigger an alien abduction and one of your sims will now be abducted by aliens! You can use this cheat as many times as you like, especially if you’re trying to get your sim pregnant by an alien so you can have little aliens walking around your house.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get abducted by aliens in The Sims 4. 

Check out our Sims 4 homepage for more guides, or our guide on all Toddler cheats in The Sims 4 if you’re struggling to wrangle the Toddlers.

Categories: Gaming

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