How to Fix “TypeError: ‘type’ object is not subscriptable”

Are you getting the “TypeError: ‘type’ object is not subscriptable” error in Python?

Assuming you are getting an error from this code, “emptylist += str[strlength – 1]”.

If so, the error is caused by this part of the code, “str[strlength – 1]”.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to fix “TypeError: ‘type’ object is not subscriptable” error in Python, Pandas or in a loop.

How to fix “TypeError: object ‘type’ cannot be registered”

TypeError: object 'type' cannot be registered

Before (false):

name1 = “tom” # Index value of [0,1,2]
empty list =[]
strlength = len(name1) # Returns length 3 when strlength > 0: emptylist += str[strlength – 1] # Last index value of variable “name1” strlength = strlength – 1 print(emptylist)

Fix: The word “str” in “str .”[strlength – 1]” should be replaced by the variable name at the beginning (“name1”).

Replace “str” with “name1”.

After (correct):

name1 = “tom” # Index value of [0,1,2]
empty list =[]
strlength = len(name1) # Returns length 3 when strlength > 0: emptylist += name1[strlength – 1] # Last index value of variable “name1” strlength = strlength – 1 print(emptylist)

In this case, the “str” ​​in “str[strlength – 1]”The code is wrong.

This code has a variable called “name1” and “Tom”.

Please note that the length of the string can be 3, but it goes from 1 to 3.

It’s not equivalent to the index it just generates the length.

In the code you are saying that while the string length is greater than 0, do the next two lines.

“+=” is basically when each time it iterates it just adds the variable it found to the list.

And the next thing is that “str” has box brackets, not normal brackets.

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However, it will take a step back because it is starting at “-1”.

The reason for that is that you have to go back one step to get it back to the index value of two.

And when it loops through this afterwards, it goes back to the index value of 1 and back to the index value of 0.

To fix this, you need to replace “str” with the variable name at the beginning (“name1”).

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