How to Fix “There was a problem validating your EA Play” in FIFA 23

Are you having EA Play authentication issues in FIFA 23?

Here is the full error message, “There was a problem validating your EA Play subscription status, please try again“.

An error message occurs when you try to launch a game on the next-gen Xbox.

In this guide you will learn why you are getting EA Play validation error in FIFA 23 and how to fix it.

  • Why do I get EA Play validation errors in FIFA 23?
  • How to fix “There was a problem authenticating your EA Play” in FIFA 23

Why do I get EA Play validation errors in FIFA 23?

There was a problem validating your EA Play subscription status

You are getting EA Play validation errors in FIFA 23 due to a bug/problem with the game.

The issue is currently being investigated by EA Games.

This is according to an EA community manager in the forums.

The bug is still under investigation and the EA team is working on a fix.

Many users are complaining about it on Twitter.

Here’s a tweet by Andreas, “There are a lot of players who can’t play the Fifa 23 trial on the next Gen Xbox because of an error while validating the EA Play membership”.

And another tweet, “I am unable to play FIFA 23 trial due to an error related to validating my EA registration, this is not true. My username on Xbox is JinPortokali, obviously you can check my subscription, but mostly I want to get my problem resolved ASAP.

How to fix “There was a problem authenticating your EA Play” in FIFA 23

Go to the games tab and select “manage games and add-ons”. Then go to “saved data”. Don’t click delete all, go to the file with your Xbox id on it and click “delete everywhere”.

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– feyzo (@fezbjjjjj) September 26, 2022

To fix the “There was a problem validating your EA Play subscription status” error in FIFA 23, you need to select “Remove Anywhere” via the file with your Xbox ID.

Then relaunch FIFA 23 and you should get no errors.

Here’s how to do this in 5 easy steps:

  1. Go to the game card.
  2. Select “manage games and add-ons”.
  3. Go to “saved data”.
  4. Go to the file with your Xbox ID.
  5. Select “delete everywhere”.

Many users on Twitter claim that this fixed the authentication bug in FIFA 23.

Here is another fix mentioned by @VOIIIXl on Twitter, “Press start on Fifa 23 > manage games and add-ons > access saved data > delete your profile one > then make a dedicated space”.

Followed by, “It is important to delete them individually, first the profile, then the dedicated, from anywhere”.

If all else fails, you need to wait until the EA team fixes the bug.

This process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

You can also contact EA support here:

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Categories: How to

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