How to Fix Something Went Wrong “0x80049dd3” on Windows

Are you getting “Something went wrong” or “Please try again later” error on Windows 10/11?

This is the error code, “0x80049dd3” or “ca33bb14-c113-001-13fe-50ca13c1d801”.

An error message occurs when you try to type with your voice (voice typing).

Many users are reporting issues on forums like Reddit and the Microsoft Community.

“When I try to use the MIC to convert speech to text, I keep getting this message and the message box “locked” on the screen!”.

“I was trying to figure out how to get my microphone to start working again. It stopped working suddenly.”

In this guide, you will learn how to fix “0x80049dd3” error for text-to-speech/speech input on Windows.

How to fix “0x80049dd3” problem occurred on Windows


How to fix error “0x80049dd3” on Windows

  1. Open your computer settings.
  2. Select “Account”.
  3. Select “Family and other users”.
  4. Click “Add Account” under “Other Users”.
  5. Create a new user for your PC.
  6. Change the new user’s account type to “Admin”.
  7. Switch to a new account.

To bypass the error, you need to create a new administrator account and switch to that account.

After you have switched to the new account, the error “0x80049dd3” will be fixed and the Windows voice-to-text feature “Win+H” will work.

Please note that this is a temporary fix for the error code.

Currently, the Microsoft team is working on fixing the code.

They may implement the fix in the next update.

Many users are reporting error messages on forums.

Here is a response from a Microsoft Reseller, “On the issue of using the MIC to convert speech to text, we have sent feedback on this. You can continue to follow this thread. Further progress will be posted here. Thank you for your patience and cooperation”.

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Here is another user’s reply, “It’s a glitch because many people are complaining about the same error”.

If you don’t want to create a new user, you need to wait until Microsoft fixes their error.

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