How to Fix “One of your payments accounts was cancelled” on Google AdSense

Did you receive the “One of your payments accounts canceled” email from Google AdSense?

Here’s the alternative title, “Payments Account Canceled”.

The email says: “Your payments account “AdSense pub-x” for Google AdSense was recently cancelled.

“If your balance is greater than US$10.00, you will receive the final payment from the canceled checking account in the next cycle.”

“Any payment less than US$10.00 will not be processed.”

“Any other active payments accounts linked to Google AdSense will not be affected.”

In this article, you will learn how to fix the “One of your payments accounts has been canceled” error on Google AdSense.

  • Why am I getting the “Payments account canceled” message from AdSense?
  • How to fix “One of your payments accounts has been canceled” on Google AdSense

Why am I getting the “Payments account canceled” message from AdSense?

A payment account has been canceled

You received the “Payments account canceled” message from AdSense because your YouTube payments were moved to a separate tab.

The email was mistakenly sent by Google because they thought your payment account was cancelled.

YouTube is aware of this issue and they are currently investigating the matter.

If you receive an email, there is nothing to worry about as your account is not cancelled.

Instead, it’s moved to a separate tab where you can access your YouTube payments.

A lot of YouTubers are tweeting about emails on Twitter.

“Ah, Google and its master communication, tells you that your Adsense account has been canceled without telling you that it has been replaced with a YouTube billing account, thus creating 5 minutes of panic. Never change Google.”

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“@TeamYouTube I just received an email saying ‘One of your payment accounts has been cancelled’. Is this something that needs to be looked at or just ignored, as I’ve seen many people have issues?”

“Hey guys, I really need your help. I received an email this morning from Google AdSense saying that my payments account was recently cancelled.

How to fix “One of your payments accounts has been canceled” on Google AdSense

One of your payment accounts has been canceled Google AdSense

To fix the “One of your payments accounts has been canceled” error on Google AdSense, simply navigate to the “AdSense for YouTube” tab.

Alternatively, you can click the “YouTube Payments” tab on the left sidebar.

That way, you’ll be able to see your YouTube payments.

If you receive the email “One of your payment accounts has been cancelled”, don’t panic, it’s a false alarm.

Your payments account isn’t cancelled—it’s just moved to a separate tab due to an intended AdSense update.

The update aims to separate website advertising payments and YouTube payments for a better user experience.

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