How to Fix Instagram Tagging Not Working

Trying to tag someone on Instagram but tagging isn’t working?

Many Instagram users have reported that when they tag someone, it disappears.

Others reported that tags didn’t show up after they posted photos.

Finally, some people mentioned that their friends couldn’t tag them in their photos.

Tagging someone can be important on Instagram because people want to know who the people in your photo(s) are.

It also gives recognition to the people in your photo.

In this article, you’ll learn why you can’t tag people on Instagram and how to fix it.

  1. Why can’t I tag people on Instagram?
  2. How to fix Instagram tagging not working
  3. Conclusion

Why can’t I tag people on Instagram?

Instagram tagging not working

You can’t tag people on Instagram because that person has tagging turned off, your account is new, or you’ve tagged too many people in your photos.

Tagging doesn’t work on Instagram because tagging is disabled, a new account, or you’ve tagged too many people.

If tagging isn’t working for you, you need to find the root cause of the error first.

Once you find the main problem, you can take appropriate action to address it.

Instagram is known to have many glitches/bugs in their app and tagging is one of them.

The worst thing about this is that Instagram doesn’t provide any information about what caused the error.

Therefore, this article summarizes the most common causes of the error and how you can fix it.

Let’s take a look at each of these reasons in detail below.

1. Tagging is disabled

Instagram manually approves tags

The first reason why tagging isn’t working on Instagram is that the user you’re trying to tag has tagging turned off.

If the user you’re trying to tag has enabled “manual tag approval” in their privacy settings, their tag won’t show up on your post unless they approve the tag .

Instagram has a feature where users can control who will tag them in posts.

You can do that by enabling a feature called “manually approve tags” in your privacy settings.

If the person you’re trying to tag has turned on that feature, the tag won’t show up on your post unless they approve it.

Sometimes, the person may have forgotten or not approved the card.

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Other times, the person may have missed the notification, which explains why the tag isn’t showing up on your post.

Either way, if someone has “manually approved tags” turned on, you’ll have to wait until they approve the card for their card to show up.

Otherwise, only the tabs of people with the setting turned off will appear.

2. Your account is new

Next, your account might be too new.

New accounts have limited actions like how many people they can follow/unfollow, how many posts they can like, and tagging restrictions.

If your account is too new, you won’t be able to tag people in your posts.

Many people have reported that they are unable to tag people in their posts in the new account.

Instagram aims to reduce spam, bots, and automation in their platform.

As a result, Instagram has many temporary blocks that prevent actions from being repeated.

An example of such blocks is restricted tagging.

New accounts are limited in how many people you can follow/unfollow, how many posts you can like, etc.

It’s like a “sandbox” where new accounts’ actions are restricted to prevent abuse of the platform.

Some of the new accounts are bots that use bulk tagging to their advantage, so Instagram wants to minimize that.

So if your account is new, you may not be able to tag people for the time being.

3. You tagged too many people

Finally, you may have tagged too many people on your Instagram posts.

You can only tag up to 20 people on your Instagram posts.

The maximum number of people you can tag in a post is 20.

If you tag more than 20 people on Instagram, you may not be able to post photos.

Also, you cannot include more than five mentions (e.g. @followchainorg) in a comment.

If you do, you will not be able to submit your comment.

There is a limit to the number of people you can tag in an Instagram post because Instagram wants to reduce spam on their platform.

If you want to tag more than 20 people, you can mention those people in the caption or comment on your post.

The conveyor belt is no exception.

Even if you have multiple images on your carousel, you can only tag up to 20 people in total—that’s not a per-post basis.

How to fix Instagram tagging not working

To fix tagging not working on Instagram, you can try asking the person to approve your tag, wait 1 to 3 weeks, or don’t tag too many people.

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You can also try following the person before tagging them on your post.

Try asking the person to approve your tag, wait 1 to 3 weeks, don’t tag too many people, or follow the person before tagging them.

If your account is new, the number of actions you can take is limited.

This includes limited or inability to tag others.

However, if your account is an old one, tagging may not work for you because you tagged too many people.

Otherwise, the person may have turned on “manual tag approval” in their privacy settings.

In that case, you will have to ask them to approve your card.

Otherwise, their tags won’t show up/disappear on your post.

1. Ask the person to approve your card

Instagram Pending Cards

The first method to fix failed tags on Instagram is to ask or wait for the person to approve your tag.

If the person you’re trying to tag has turned on “manual tag approval” in their settings, you’ll need to ask them for approval in order for the tag to show up on your post.

This method only applies to people who have enabled “manual card approval” in their privacy settings.

If you happen to see someone’s tag disappearing on your post, that person may have “manually approved tags” enabled.

If that’s the case, you’ll have to ask them first if they’ve enabled the feature.

In case they have this enabled, ask them to approve your card through the same setting.

If not, you just need to wait for them to approve.

After they approve your tag, it will show up on your post.

Their tag won’t show up on your post unless they’ve approved it.

2. Wait 1 to 3 weeks

For newer accounts, you may have to wait 1 to 3 weeks for tagging to be enabled on your account.

Tagging is limited/restricted for new accounts on Instagram so you may have to wait 1 to 3 weeks if you want to tag others.

If your account is new, tagging may be restricted to you.

Instagram limits the number of actions a new account can take, including limited or limited tagging.

To bypass this, you can try following the person (if you haven’t already) before tagging them on your post.

As a new account, you can’t tag people you don’t follow.

Therefore, you can try following them before tagging them in your post, which may fix the tagging issue.

Otherwise, you have to wait 1 to 3 weeks for Instagram to “trust” your account.

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After 1 to 3 weeks, you will have more restrictions (such as tagging) and you will be able to perform actions like a normal account.

3. Don’t tag too many people

Instagram remove tags

Finally, you need to limit tagging too many people on Instagram.

Do not tag more than 20 people on Instagram.

If you’ve tagged more than 20 people, remove the additional tags and you’ll be able to post photos.

If you tag too many people on Instagram, your tags may disappear/not show up on your posts.

The maximum number of people you can tag on a post is 20.

If you’re posting a carousel, the maximum number of people you can tag is also 20.

So even if you have 5 photos on the carousel, you can only tag up to 20 people, not 100.

Tagging on Instagram is not limited on a per-post basis, but for all of your posts if you post a carousel.

If you accidentally tag more than 20 people, you need to remove the excess tag before you can post.

However, if you still want to tag more people, you can mention them in the caption or comments of your post.


Tagging on Instagram is important because you are referring people on your posts.

In other words, tagging is a form of Instagram etiquette.

If you don’t tag people who appear in your post(s), it may seem rude to them.

Unless the person is specifically mentioned not to tag them on your post(s), you should tag them.

Sometimes tagging may not work as expected on Instagram.

If that is the case, then you need to follow the methods mentioned in this article to fix it.

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Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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