How to Extract Links From the Tweets In Your Twitter Timeline

Twitterlogo One of the reasons I visit Twitter so often during the day, even though I don’t tweet often, is to see what other people are sharing. Twitter is increasingly becoming a great repository of interesting links from around the web in addition to serving as a conversation hub. A lot of times I come across good articles that I want to bookmark for later reading.

The only problem is that I missed a lot of them because obviously I can’t check Twitter every minute. Subscribing to the RSS feed on my Twitter timeline is an option but that will also include all other tweets without the link. So how do I make sure I can check all the links shared by the people I follow? Answer – use a simple tool called Siftlinks.

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As is clear from the explanation in the screenshot above, Siftlinks extracts the links it finds in your Twitter stream and creates an RSS feed that you can subscribe to in your feed reader.

This tool does not require your Twitter password and does not require any other form of registration. It uses the OAuth protocol to integrate with your Twitter account. When you click the “Sign in with Twitter” button, it will take you to the Twitter login page where you can allow the app to access your Twitter account.

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When you click “Allow” it will redirect you back to the application page.

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Finally, after a while, it creates a clean and simple page showing all the links along with the Tweets containing them. There is a small RSS link at the top that generates an XML feed that can be used to subscribe to this page.

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You may get a fatal error when you try it the first time. If you do, just log out of Twitter and try again. It will work.

Check out SiftLinks to extract links from your Twitter stream. And while you’re at it, don’t forget follow tutorial tech on Twitter.

Categories: How to

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