How to Enable and Use Stage Manager on Mac

Stage Manager is one of the signature features of macOS Ventura that debuted at WWDC 2022. Stage Manager allows a separate toolbar on the left for efficient application management. Unlike Stage Manager on iPad, Apple doesn’t limit the add-on only to Macs M1 and later. Stage Manager is also available for MacBook models with Intel processors. Here’s how you can enable and use Stage Manager on your Mac.

Apple has provided Mission Control to manage application windows on the Mac. Stage Manager takes existing ideas further with better implementation. Stage Manager stacks them together on the left pane if you have multiple application windows open. You can also group apps together and open them with one click. Sounds interesting right? Turn on and test Stage Manager in action on your Mac.

Update your Mac to macOS Ventura

Stage Manager is part of the macOS Ventura update on Macs. If you’re running macOS Monterey or an earlier build, you won’t see Stage Manager on your Mac.

As of writing, macOS Ventura is available in public beta. If you want to try out new features of macOS Ventura, including Stage Manager, you must sign up for the public beta program and proceed at your own risk. Expect bugs and incompatibilities for your frequently used apps.

Once Apple releases the stable macOS Ventura, you can install it using the steps below.

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Step 1: Select the Apple icon in the upper left corner.

Step 2: Open ‘System Preferences.’

Step 3: Select ‘Software Update.’

Step 4: Download and install the macOS Ventura (13.0) update on your Mac.

Turn on Stage Manager on Mac

Although Stage Manager is part of macOS Ventura, the system does not enable it by default. You’ll need to switch Stage Manager from the Mac Control Center.

Step 1: Open Mac Control Center from the upper right corner on the menu bar.

Step 2: Click the ‘Stage Manager’ box to enable it.

Your Mac arranges all open application windows in the left pane for easy access. You can only view four recently used apps from Stage Manager at a time.

Stage management feature

Stage Manager is another multitasking app on Mac and integrates neatly with Mission Control.

  • Stage Manager takes up a lot of screen space on your Mac. Setup helps you focus on the app you’re working on without going full screen. Stage Manager keeps the app centered, at a size that’s easy to work with.
  • Stage Manager also provides one-click access to the desktop. You no longer need to minimize apps to access files and folders on the desktop. Click on the desktop to go back.
  • Apple has integrated Stage Manager with Mission Control. If you want to see all open apps simultaneously, you can call Mission Control and check all active apps.
  • You don’t always have to stick with a small application window in Stage Manager. If you want, you can move back and forth between the traditional application windows and the Stage Manager.
  • You can check for updated app information, such as new Slack messages or emails from Stage Manager.
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Teams app in Stage Manager

You can group apps in Stage Manager if you need to work with more apps simultaneously. Drag and drop app windows from the left side vertically, open apps from the Dock, and create a set of apps you use often.

It is quite useful when you often work with a specific set of applications at a time. For example, you can create groups for photography apps, productivity apps, and even browser windows. You can select group apps in Stage Manager and open all apps with one click. You don’t need to minimize the current apps and open each other.

Hide recent apps from Stage Manager

Stage Manager makes more sense for Mac users with an external monitor. You may not like the Stage Manager taking up most of the left screen space. Thankfully, Apple provides a way to hide recent apps from Stage Manager.

Step 1: Open Control Center and continue to click on the Stage Manager icon.

Step 2: Select ‘Hide recent apps.’

You’ll then need to hover your mouse pointer on the left side of your Mac’s screen to check all recent apps in action.

Enjoy superior multitasking on your Mac

While Stage Manager is a welcome addition on the Mac, we wanted more real multitasking with better window management to have more apps open at once. How do you plan to use Stage Manager on your Mac? Or is it something you don’t find useful in your workflow? Share your opinion in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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