How to Download Essentials Chat

EssentialsX is the most popular plugin for Spigot servers that offers server-appropriate capabilities of any size.

These include player-created homes, server-wide or world-wide warps and kits, private messaging, teleportation, and custom player nicknames.

In addition, it includes moderation tools such as temporary bans, mutes, kicks, and imprisonment.

EssentialsX also comes with built-in economy features like command cost, subscription store, and full support for Vault.

Optional modules are also available for EssentialsX, providing additional built-in features such as world protection and chat formatting.

In this article you will learn how to download and set up Essential Chat for Spigot, Bukkit or Paper in your Minecraft server.

How to download Essentials chat

To download Essentials Chat, you need to visit the EssentialsX website and download it as an add-on.

Once you have downloaded it as an add-on, drag and drop the file into the plugins folder on your server.

Next, edit the Essentials config.yml file and customize the chat and group formats (optional).

1. Download Essentials Chat and other plugins

How to download Essentials chat

  1. Important plugins to install first: EssentialsX, Vault, LuckPerms.
  2. Once you have those plugins installed, go to
  3. Scroll down and click the “Download” button next to “EssentialsX Chat”.
  4. Go to your server’s FTP files and open the “Plugins” folder.
  5. Download the plugin “EssentialsX Chat” into the directory.
  6. Restart your server and the plugin should work!

With EssentialsChat, you can chat using color codes and formatting (e.g. &1, &2, &l, &n).

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The player’s prefix and suffix will also show up in their group-based chat (if you have Vault and LuckPerms installed).

2. Edit Essentials config.yml file (optional)

  1. Go to your server’s FTP files and open the “Plugins” folder.
  2. Open the “Essentials” folder.
  3. Open the file “config.yml”.
  4. Scroll down until you get to the “EssentialsX Chat” section.
  5. In the section, you can customize chat and group formats by removing hashtags.
  6. Restart your server to update the plugin’s configuration files!

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