How to Convert RAW (DNG) Photos to JPG on iPhone

The ProRAW mode on the Pro iPhone is an impressive feature that ensures detailed, uncompressed captures that retain flexibility for editing the images. However, if you’re trying to share a RAW image with another device, you may face a few problems accessing these images. Therefore, it is a good idea to convert the RAW photos to JPG on your iPhone before you send them to another device. That saves space, time, and internet data.

Convert RAW to JPG or PNG on iPhone

In this article, we will show you how to convert RAW images to JPG or PNG on your iPhone. Your iPhone stores ProRAW images in the DNG format. However, compatibility issues may arise due to variations in how different devices and software interpret the format. Therefore, you may be unable to open such pictures in the photo-viewing apps on other devices.

To eliminate such issues, here’s how you can change the format of the DNG images to JPG or PNG.

Also Read: How to convert WEBP images to JPG/PNG on iPhone.

Turn RAW Images to JPG/PNG in the Files App on iPhone

The Files app on your iPhone is a Swiss Army knife that lets you modify, manage, and even convert files from one format to another. Here’s how you can convert RAW photos in the DNG format to JPG/PNG photos.

Step 1: Open the Photos app on your iPhone. Open the RAW image that you want to convert. Tap on the share button, and select ‘Save to Files.’

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Tap on Share 10

Tap on Save to Files

Step 2: Long-press on the image in Files and select Quick Actions.

Long tap in Files

Tap on Quick Actions

Step 3: Tap on Convert Image.

Step 4: Select the output format.

Tap on Convert Image

Select Output Format in Files

Step 5: Select the image size if asked.

Select Image Size

Your iPhone will convert the photo in the selected format and will save it in the same folder. After that, you can share it with other devices.

Batch Convert RAW to JPG or PNG on iPhone

You can also create a Shortcut to convert RAW (DNG) images to JPG/PNG easily on your iPhone. This is helpful if you want to convert images directly from the Photos app. Here’s how to create an image converter Shortcut on your iPhone.

Step 1: Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone.

If you don’t find it, install the app from the App Store using the link below.

Step 2: You will have to create a new shortcut. Tap on the ‘+’ icon.

Step 3: Tap on Add Action.

Tap on Plus 5

Tap on Add Action

Step 4: Search for Select Photos. Tap on the search result.

Tap on Select Photos

Step 5: Tap on Select Photos and turn on the toggle for Select Multiple. This allows you to convert multiple images at once.

Tap on Dropdown 1

Turn on toggle for select Multiple

Step 6: Tap on the search bar at the bottom.

Step 7: Search for ‘Convert Image.’ Tap on the Search Result.

Tap on Searchbar

Select Convert Image

Step 8: Select JPEG and tap on ‘Ask Each Time.’ This allows you to select the output format whenever you convert a photo.

Tap on JPEG

Tap on Ask Each Time

Step 9: Tap on the search bar to add another action. Search for ‘Save to Photo Album. Tap on the search result.

Step 10: Tap on Done. You have just created the Shortcut.

Save to Photo Album

Tap on Done to Complete the Shortcut

Step 11: Let’s rename the Shortcut to avoid any confusion. Long tap on the created Shortcut and select Rename. We’ll rename it to Photo Convert.

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Long tap on Shortcut

Tap on Rename

Step 12: Tap on the Shortcut to run it. Now, select all the photos you want to convert.

Tap to Run the Shortcut

Select Photos to Convert

Step 13: Select the output format. You may also have to select further options like quality level, preserve metadata, etc.

Select Output Format

Take Further Actions

The converted photo will be saved to the Photos app on your iPhone. Next time you want to convert any RAW (DNG) photo on your iPhone, run the shortcut from the Shortcuts app.

How to Turn Off ProRaw on iPhone

If you wish to turn off the ProRAW mode on your iPhone, here’s how you can do it.

Step 1: Open the Settings app, and select Camera.

Step 2: Tap on Formats.

Select Camera

formats camera settings iphone

Step 3: Turn off the toggle for ‘ProRAW & Resolution Control.’

turn off ProRAW

Alternatively, if you want to keep ProRAW turned on but want to disable it for certain photos, you can tap on the RAW button in the top right corner of the Camera app to turn it off.

Turn off RAW

Bonus: How to View DNG Images on Windows and Android Devices

If you do not wish to convert the RAW (DNG) image and want to view it while retaining the format – here’s how you can do so.

The default Photos app on your Windows PC lets you natively view DNG images. If you cannot view them, you can download a DNG viewer app for free using the link below. Here’s an app called File Viewer Lite.

Further, you can also use an online DNG image viewer from your web browser. You can access this free tool called Photokit from the link below.

If you are facing issues while opening a DNG – RAW image on your Android device, you can download a file manager app that can open files of various formats. Solid File Manager is a free app on the Play Store that lets you view DNG files.

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If you have any further questions, you can take a look at the FAQ section below.

FAQs: RAW (DNG) Images on iPhone

1. Can I open RAW images on Mac?

Yes. You can open RAW (DNG) images on your Mac.

2. Can I upload RAW images directly to Instagram?

Yes. You can directly upload RAW images on Instagram.

3. Do RAW images have better quality?

Yes, ProRAW images generally have better quality than standard JPEG or HEIC images captured on iPhone.

Access ProRAW Images on All Devices

We hope this article helps you convert RAW (DNG) photos on your iPhone to JPG or PNG and view them without any problems on all of your devices. If you have any more problems with converting or viewing RAW images – feel free to post your query in the comments section below.

Categories: How to

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