How to Change Your MultiVersus Server

The MultiVersus server you are accessing will affect your ping.

If you have selected a server away from your region, you will have a higher ping.

On the other hand, if you have chosen a server close to your region, you will have a lower ping.

Lower ping means the game will run smoother.

Therefore, you need to connect to a server near your area for a better gaming experience.

In this tutorial you will learn how to change your MultiVersus server.

  • How to change your MultiVersus server
  • Which MultiVersus server should I connect to?

How to change your MultiVersus server

Changing the MultiVersus server

How to change your MultiVersus server

  1. Open MultiVersus on your chosen platform.
  2. Click the gear icon on the left sidebar.
  3. Select “Online/Legal”.
  4. Click the drop-down box next to “Preferred server region”.
  5. Select the server you want to change to (e.g. Europe).

You should choose a server that is close to your geographical location.

For example, if you are living in the United States, select “North America”.

If you are living in Italy, select “Europe”.

This will reduce your ping and the game will run smoother without lag.

Which MultiVersus server should I connect to?

You should connect to a MultiVersus server that is close to your geographical location.

This will reduce your ping, minimize lag and you will have a smoother gaming experience.

Currently, MultiVersus has 6 servers—North America, Europe, South America, Central America, Oceania, and South Africa.

Unfortunately, there is no Asia region that you can connect to.

If you are living in Asia, you should connect with “Oceanic” or “Europe”.

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If you are living in the United States, connecting to “North America” should be enough.

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Categories: How to

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