Delete Voice Search History on Google Home and Echo in 3 Simple Steps

Home assistants like Amazon’s Echo and Google Home have become popular choices when it comes to buying Smart Home devices, but they’re recording your voice searches and saving them on their respective companies’ servers. .

echo 1Source

There are a lot of security issues plaguing the Smart Home assistant world. Aside from storing your voice recordings, there are other downsides including having someone else use your smart home assistant to place orders for a hacker listening to your secret conversations and gain access to data stored on your smart assistant server.

The companies claim that these recordings are stored to train their AI, in order to provide a better speech recognition experience for users.

But if you’re worried, you have the option to take control and delete them from your side—though you can’t be entirely sure that your recordings have also been deleted from the company’s servers.

Clear voice search history for Google Home

Google Home

Google records a lot of information from your Internet usage, from location history, YouTube history to device information, but you can control those actions too.

  • Sign in to your Google Activity page with your Google account.
  • Click the three-dot menu — located on the top right on mobile devices and on the left panel if accessed via PC — and select Delete Activity By.
  • On the new window, select how long you want to clear your voice search history and then change the bottom drop-down box to Voices and sounds and click the ‘Delete’ option.
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Clear voice search history for Amazon Echo


Your Amazon Echo voice search history can be selectively deleted through the Alexa app on your smartphone, or you can also delete the entire history at once by signing in to your Amazon account. mine.

Via the Alexa app

  • Open the Alexa app on your device and go to settings.
  • Tap history and you’ll see a list of your voice recordings.
  • You can listen to the voice recording here and delete it.

Through an Amazon account

  • Go to the ‘Amazon Devices and Content’ page.
  • Click/tap on your device and select Echo.
  • Open ‘Manage Voice Recordings’ and select the ‘Delete’ option.

Know how smart home assistants are killing your privacy here.

Categories: How to

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