How to Change Local Account to Microsoft Account in Windows 8



install Windows 8 (preview

), just before the setup process is ready for your PC, it will ask if you want to use a local account or a Microsoft account to administer the computer.

If you choose a Microsoft account, you will have to provide your Windows login and you will be able to sync all your settings, Metro Apps from the SkyDrive stores and files seamlessly.

On the other hand, users on the local account are considered second class citizens and do not receive the means of online synchronization, which can be very useful if you have multiple devices running Windows 8 on it and both when you are looking for a way to automatically sync all your apps and settings.

If you selected a local account while configuring Windows, it’s not too late. You can easily link your local account to your Windows account and enjoy all the perks of online syncing and backup through SkyDrive.

Change local account to Windows account

Step 1: Once you are on the Windows 8 desktop, open the Charm Bar using hotkey Windows + and click Change computer settings to open the Metro PC Settings.

Change computer settings

Step 2: In PC Settings find the Users section. If you are connected via a local account, you will see your account name there along with an option button to Switch to Microsoft Account.

Computer setup

Step 3: The account setup process will start and ask you to provide your Windows account email. You will have to provide your account password in the next step along with your phone information. Having done that, Windows 8 will link your local account to your Microsoft account, which will be used to control your account in the future.

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Sign in with your Ms . account

The Switch to Microsoft Account button will now turn into Switch to local account in case you need to switch to a local account in the future. Additionally, once you start using your Microsoft Account, the password you used in the local account will no longer be valid and you will have to use your Microsoft account password to sign in to Windows in the future. future.

Online account

Risks involved

With all these great features, linking a Microsoft account online comes with certain risks. We all know that more than 450,000 Yahoo accounts have been compromised in recent times and all these logins have leaked online.

Well, these types of security flare-ups don’t happen often but there’s no guarantee that it will never happen to you or Microsoft. It’s the same risk that comes with using any of the online storage and sync options.

For a more in-depth explanation of the security risks involved, you should read Woody Leonhard’s Potential Dangers of Microsoft Accounts on Windows 8 from InfoWorld.


Overall, using a Microsoft account is much more user-friendly than using a local account. We live in the age of cloud computing and it is up to us whether we choose to accept or reject our freedom. The risk of data being compromised is always present, but it is certainly below the level of comfort and convenience that comes with such cloud services.

Categories: How to

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