How to Change Default Font in Google Sheets: 3 Easy Ways

Google Sheets is a powerful spreadsheet application that allows you to create and edit spreadsheets on the go. Among the customization options offered by Google Sheets is the ability to change the default font. This article will show you how to change the default font in Google Sheets.

How to change the default font in Google Sheets

But first, why would you want to change the default font style? Well, changing the default font in Google Sheets can improve the overall aesthetic of your spreadsheet and make it stand out.

Whether you’re creating a budget spreadsheet, report, or presentation, the right font can help you deliver your message more effectively. With that, let’s start with the article.

How to temporarily change the default font in Google Sheet

Temporarily changing the default font in Google Sheets is easy. You must select the font option from the Google Sheets toolbar. Now, from the drop-down menu, choose the font you like.

choose the font you like

Please note that this is not a permanent solution, meaning that when you open a new Google Sheets document, it will always open with the default font (Arial). This method is useful for people who want to work on a single document and do not want to create themes or templates from that document.

However, keep reading if you want to permanently change the default font to your preferred font.

Also read: How to convert an Excel Spreadsheet into a Google Sheets document.

How to permanently set default font in Google Sheets

There are many ways to change the default font in Google Sheets to your preferred font. We will list two prominent ways. Let’s get started.

1. Use Custom Theme Settings

Setting up a custom theme allows you to combine your preferred settings and customizations, including fonts, colors, etc. Follow the steps below.

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Step 1: Go to Google Sheets and select Blank to create a new Sheet.

Select Blank to create a new Sheet

Step 2: Click Format and from the drop-down menu select Theme.

choose theme

This will open the Themes side panel on the right. You’ll see previews for each Theme that you can quickly select and edit.

Step 3: Select the theme you want to customize and click Customize.

Choose the theme you want to customize

Step 4: Click on the Font option and choose a font from the drop-down menu.

choose font from drop-down menu

Step 5: After selecting, press Done.

Click Done

With this, the default font on the theme will be changed to your preferred font. However, this does not make it a template for future documents. For that, keep reading.

Step 6: Save this customized spreadsheet with a recognizable name such as ‘Font Theme’ and click the Sheets home icon.

click the Home icon

So whenever you need to use Sheets, open the ‘The Font Theme’ file from the Google Sheets homepage and continue with the steps below.

open the file 'My Font Themes'

Step 7: Once opened, go to File and select ‘make a copy’ of the document from the drop-down menu.

go to File

Step 8: Give the document a name and click the ‘Make a copy’ button.

click the 'Make a copy' button

Now you can work on the document without changing settings. Also, the sample document (with your settings) remains untouched for the next time. If the steps are too long to follow, move on to the next method.

2. Using Apps Script

Apps Script on Google Sheets can be used for different purposes, one of which is to set a default font. The steps seem complicated but are very simple to follow.

Step 1: Go to Google Sheets and select Blank to create a new Sheet.

Select Blank to create a new Sheet

Step 2: Select Extensions and select Application Script.

select Application Scripts

It will take you to a new window where you can edit the script.

Step 3: In the Script Editor, delete the existing code, if any, and then type or copy the code below.

Note: We have set the font to Roboto with a font size of 14. You can change this font to your preference and even set a custom range.

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function onEdit(e) { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();var range = ss.getRangeList([“A2:E6”]);range.setFontFamily(“Roboto”).setFontSize(14).setFontColor(“#000000”).setBackground(“#ffffff”); }

type or copy the code below

Step 4: When you’re done, click Save.

click to save

Step 5: Click Run (play icon).

Click Run

Step 5: In the Authorization Request prompt, click Review Permissions.

Click Review Permissions

Step 6: Sign in with your Google Account.

Enter your Gmail password and click Sign In

Step 7: Now, click Allow.

Click Allow

After the script is executed, you will see the font changed when you return to the spreadsheet. However, this only makes a change in the current Google Spreadsheet. If you want to set the default font in Google Sheets to a new font using an App Script, follow the steps below.

Step 8: In the Script Editor, type or copy the code below.

Note: We used Roboto font style and font size 14. You can replace them with your preferred style in the code.

function changeSheetFont() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet() var thissheet = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getMaxRows(), sheet.getMaxColumns()) var newfont = “Roboto” var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); range var = ss.getRangeList([“1:1000”]); range.setFontFamily(“Roboto”) .setFontSize(14) .setFontColor(“#000000”) .setBackground(“#ffffff”); thissheet.setFontFamily(newfont) var tabs = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets(); tab.forEach( (tab) => { tab.getDataRange()})}

Enter the code in the Script Editor

Step 9: Finally, click Save and run the script.

click Save and run the script

With this, you set the default font and font size for the entire spreadsheet. If your favorite fonts are missing, move on to the next section to learn how you can add them to your spreadsheet.

How to Add More Fonts in Google Sheets

Step 1: Go to Google Sheets and select Blank to create a new Sheet.

Select Blank to create a new Sheet

Step 2: Click on the font menu and from the drop-down menu select Add font.

Click the font menu

You will be taken to a new Fonts page where you can see all the fonts, including fonts for different languages.

Step 3: Select the font of your choice from the list and click OK.

Choose the font of your choice

That’s it. With this, the font you added will appear on the main document, which you can use in current and future documents. If you have any questions, check out the FAQ section below.

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Tip: Learn how to change the default font and size in Google Docs.

FAQ about changing default font in Google Sheets

1. Is it possible to have 2 different fonts in a cell on a Google sheet?

Yes, it is possible to have multiple fonts in a cell on Google Sheets. Here’s how you can do it; Select the cell(s) you want to format > Highlight text in the cell you want to format > click font options on the toolbar > Select desired font from the drop-down menu. Note: This method will only change the font for the selected text; The rest will remain unchanged.

2. What font does Google Sheets use?

Google Sheets uses Arial as the default font for new documents and cells in existing documents. However, you can change this to any font you like.

3. What slows down Google Sheets?

Many factors can slow down Google Sheets, including many cells, complex formulas, large data sets, add-ons and scripts, outdated browsers and devices, multiple sheets, data connections external and shared access.

Personalize your preferences

So here’s how you can change the default font in Google Sheets and make your spreadsheet stand out. Additionally, changing the default font to your preference can improve Google Sheets’ readability and make it easier on the eyes. You may also want to read about locking cells and rows in Google Sheets.

Categories: How to

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