How to Change Date Created, Date Modified, and Other Attributes on Windows

If you want to keep your information private, arrange your files neatly, or fix issues like files not showing up in searches or not opening correctly, you can tweak specific settings on your Windows computer. One way to do this is by changing the date created and the date modified for any files on Windows. 

How to Change the Date Created Date Modified and Other File Attributes on Windows

Manually changing the creation and modification date of any file on Windows can be useful for better organizing your files, making them more secure, and managing them easily. However, it’s essential to know that some risks are involved in making these changes. Before we explore how to edit creation and modification dates, let’s understand the potential risks.

Potential Risks and Considerations of Modifying File Attributes

Changing file properties can have different effects, so it’s important to consider possible risks and problems before doing so. Here are some things to remember:

batch_Potential Risks and Considerations of Modifying File Attributes

  • Data Integrity: File properties often include extra information (metadata) important for understanding the file. Wrongly changing or removing metadata from the file could make it unusable or make programs think it’s something else.
  • System Stability: Some properties are important for programs and things to work properly. Changing system files or properties could make your computer act weird, crash, or stop working altogether.
  • Application Compatibility: Programs often rely on specific file properties to work properly. If you change these properties, the programs might not work anymore.
  • Security: File properties are sometimes used for security, like to control who can access or change files or to say if a file can be run. Changing these properties without permission could make your computer less secure.
  • Timestamps and File Sorting: Changing timestamps (when files were created, changed, or last opened) can affect how files are sorted, how different versions of the same file are kept track of, and how backups are made.
  • User Awareness: Users might not be aware that file properties have been changed, leading to confusion or problems.
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Change File Attributes Using the PowerShell

While File Explorer doesn’t provide a direct way to modify file details like creation, access, or modification dates, you can leverage the PowerShell to accomplish this task.

PowerShell is a Microsoft tool that helps automate tasks on your computer. It serves as a command-line shell and a scripting language, enabling you to create automation scripts. However, remember that altering file details using PowerShell can be tricky, so follow these steps carefully:

Note: Ensure to create a Windows restoration point before using PowerShell to avoid any data loss.

Step 1: Navigate to the file’s location. Copy the file location from the address bar.

Also Read: How to run PowerShell as administrator in Windows 11

Copy the file location from the address bar

Step 2: Click the Windows icon. Search for Windows PowerShell and run it as administrator. If prompted, click Yes.

Click the Windows icon search for Windows PowerShell and run it as administrator

Step 3: Type the following command twice and press the Enter key on your keyboard.


Explanation: When you first opened PowerShell, you were in the system32 folder, and using the cd.. command, you moved back one step each time to reach the main directory.

Type the following command twice and press the Enter key on your keyboard

Step 4: In the PowerShell window, type cd followed by a space and paste the file location you copied in step 1. Hit Enter on your keyboard.

cd C:\Users\ns936\Document

Note: The location of your file may not be the same as mine.

Type cd followed by a space paste the file location and hit enter

Step 5: Use the following commands and press Enter.

Note: Replace the file-name and file-extension with your actual file name and file type. Also, change the mm/dd/yyyy with the dates you want.

  • Change creation time: $(Get-Item file-name.file-extension).creationtime=$(Get-Date “mm/dd/yyyy”)

$(Get-Item GuidingTech.docx).creationtime=$(Get-Date “mm/dd/yyyy”)

Change creation time

  • Change last access time: $(Get-Item file-name.file-extension).lastaccesstime=$(Get-Date “mm/dd/yyyy”)
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$(Get-Item GuidingTech.docx).lastaccesstime=$(Get-Date “mm/dd/yyyy”)

Change last access time

  • Change last write time: $(Get-Item file-name.file-extension).lastwritetime=$(Get-Date “mm/dd/yyyy”)

$(Get-Item GuidingTech.docx).lastwritetime=$(Get-Date “mm/dd/yyyy”)

Change last write time

Code Symbols Explanation

Below mentioned is the explanation of the symbols used in the steps above:

  • cd: Change directory.
  • [..]: Refers to the parent directory.
  • cd..: Moves up one level in the directory hierarchy.
  • [$]: Denotes a variable.
  • [.]: Connect two points.

Also Read: How to fix PowerShell not opening on Windows 11

Removing File Attributes Using Third-Party Tools

Are you overwhelmed by editing the date created and date modified on a file using PowerShell? Check below the two trusted apps we recommend to make your task a breeze. 

  1. Bulk File Changer
  2. Attribute Changer

If you’re unsure whether these apps will work for you, don’t stress. We’ll guide you through using Bulk File Changer. Here’s how:

Step 1: Download and install the Bulk File Changer software. Unzip the file and open the application.

Step 2: Go to Files and click Add Files.

Tip: You can also directly press F2 on your keyboard.

Go to Files and click Add Files

Step 3: Choose the files you want to edit and click Open.

Choose the files you want to edit and click Open

Step 4: Select the file and click the Change Time/Attributes button (it looks like a blue cock).

Select the file and click the Change Time Attributes button

Step 5: Check the box next to Created, Modified, and Accessed. Enter your proffered date in the box. You can further check the box before time and Add to modify the time of the files.

Step 6: Finally, click Do it to save the changes.

Edit the date and time and press Do it to save changes

Note: Attribute Changer’s steps may differ since it’s a separate app.

Remove File Attributes Using Windows File Explorer

The File Explorer doesn’t allow you to change important details like when a file was created, modified, or accessed. However, you can still remove details like the author’s name, copyright information, and version number. To do so, follow the steps below: 

Step 1: Head to the file you want to modify. Right-click on the file and choose Properties.

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Right click on the file and choose Properties

Step 2: Navigate to the Details tab and click ‘Remove Properties and Personal Information’.

Navigate to the Details tab and click Remove Properties and Personal Information

Step 3: Choose any one of the below-mentioned.

  • Create a copy with all possible properties removed (This makes a duplicate without the extra details)
  • Remove the following properties from this file

Step 4: Check the boxes next to the attributes you want to remove and click OK.

Modify the details and click OK

FAQs on Changing Property Values in Windows

1. Can I change file attributes on a network drive or external storage?

Yes, you can change file attributes on network drives or external storage, provided you have the necessary permissions. The process is similar to changing attributes on local drives, but network permissions may also come into play.

2. Are there any limitations to changing file attributes in Windows?

You can modify most file attributes, but certain system files and permissions may prevent you from doing so. Additionally, changing attributes may not always change how files are displayed in all applications or file explorers.

File Attributes Updated

Changing file attributes is useful for hiding details like who made the file, version numbers, and when the file was created, changed, or opened. We hope the method mentioned above has made it easier for you to change attributes of the files like date created and date modified on Windows.

Categories: How to

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