How to Block Spoilers from Your Social Media Accounts

A die-hard Game of Thrones fan hears that the first episode of the season is out and it could be hours before he can watch it. So maybe he’ll lock himself in his room, throw away his keys and cut off all communication via social media and WhatsApp etc just to save himself from spoilers. Not just Game of Thrones, spoilers can ruin almost any movie and TV show you’ve been waiting for months.

Spoiler alert“Have you heard of Jon Snow’s ****?” | shutter

Most of these vandals come from popular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Some of your friends consider it their birth right to reveal movies just for fun, but they really don’t understand how important it is for an individual who has waited a few months just for the reward. Enjoy the movie like everyone else.

So today, I’m going to share with you a few tricks that you can use to fend off such vandals on Facebook and Twitter and make sure that you enjoy the show or a movie that you don’t. without any vandals.

Block vandals on Facebook

We will be using a tool called FB Purity, a browser extension available for most modern browsers. The extension works out of the box against irrelevant content on your Facebook timeline and hides them to show only what matters to you. Most of the content that FB Purity hides from the news feed is game requests, app spam, ads, and sponsored stories.

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Once you install the extension and load Facebook, you’ll see a FB Purity link below the Status Updates box that will show how many updates the extension has hidden from you. If you click on the FB Purity link, it will open FB . purity options.

Pure Facebook

In the News Feed Filters section, you will see a lot of options to filter the news feeds that you receive on your FB timeline. In the option you see Text Filters, enter the words or phrases (on separate lines) that you want to filter from your news feed. For example, for Game of Thrones it should be GoT, Game of Thrones, Jon Snow and whatever you think could be used by your friends in their status updates.

Pure Text Fb

That’s all, when you’re done you can click Save and Close to save settings. You are now safe from vandals as far as browsing Facebook on your browser is concerned.

Block vandals on Twitter

There are extensions like Open Tweet Filter and Larry filter for Twitter respectively available for Chrome and Firefox, using which you can block tweets containing specific keywords while browsing the official website. You just need to install these extensions and enter keywords, hashtags, and even users you want to block on your Twitter timeline.

Twitter Filters

It’s as simple as that. These extensions will protect you greatly when it comes to vandals and other useless updates you receive on your Facebook and Twitter timelines.

What about smartphones?

As for Facebook, there is no app or setting that I know of that can block keyword-based updates on the official app. Anyway you can uninstall apps and save your phone a lot of battery and unnecessary background app activity.

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As for Twitter, there are various third-party apps for Windows, Android, and iOS that you can blacklist certain keywords on your timeline. We covered some of the top tools with this feature in one of our previous articles, and you can check them out.


So that’s how you can protect yourself from Facebook and Twitter vandals. If you’d like to share any additional tips for our readers that can help fight vandals, feel free to reach out to us via comments or our forum.

There is no death

Especially if it’s about filtering Facebook updates for smartphones, I’d love to hear.

See also: How to find the highest rated Netflix movies and TV shows to stream

Categories: How to

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