How to Block or Filter Tags on Tumblr

There’s no denying that Tumblr ranks right up there among the craziest places on the internet. You get all sorts of crazy content on your endless scrolling panel, which can include everything from clever political satire to the latest movie revelations. And needless to say, some of them can keep you glued for hours or extremely uncomfortable. Well, the appeal of Tumblr is that you never know what will happen, but what can you do about posts you really don’t like?

Featured Tumblr filter block tag

Thankfully, yes you can. Tumblr uses tags to categorize posts and most content based on blogs and searches tracked. But instead of unfollowing them, you can use tags to filter out certain types of posts that don’t ruin your day. So without further ado, let’s see how you should go about it. But first, learn how Tag Filtering works.

How tag filtering works

Just like any other tagging system, Tumblr keeps things pretty simple. Content publishers can add relevant tags or create tags from scratch to match what people search. But despite that, any blog that you actively follow can cause Tumblr to put up with tags-related posts that you never want to see anywhere in the dashboard feed. own from the very beginning.

To prevent this from becoming an issue, Tumblr implemented a filtering system a while ago. Filter a tag and you’ll automatically block all posts containing the same tag, even if they’ve already been added with other tags.

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However, blocked posts don’t have to be hidden — you can still see the placeholders on your dashboard. If you want, simply click or tap the View Post button to open the post in the sidebar of the dashboard. Very helpful if the posts are from a blog that you know and love. Pretty intuitive, right?

When it comes to tag filtering, Tumblr lets you do it on desktop, as well as on Android and iOS mobile apps. But don’t worry. Your changes are synced, so you don’t have to repeat your actions across platforms.

Filter a tag and you will automatically block all posts containing the same tag, even if they have already added other tags to them

If you’re not sure which tags to filter, check the bottom of a nasty post for a full list of associated tags. Use your intuition to determine which cards you need to block. For example, if you see both #starwars and #starwars spoilers tags in one post, select the latter so you don’t miss out on Star Wars posts that actually don’t have any spoilers in them. there.

Block cards on desktop

On desktop, filtering tags requires a brief visit to the Settings panel. Any changes to the dashboard feed are reflected immediately.

Step 1: On the Tumblr dashboard, click the Account icon, then click Settings.

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Step 2: Click the Edit pencil icon in the Filter section, then add the tag you want to block. When done, click the Add button.

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Step 3. Insert any other tags you want to block, then return to the dashboard. All posts related to the filtered tags will now be hidden.

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Filter tags on mobile devices

Your filtered tags on desktop will sync instantly to mobile. However, you can still add tags to a list from the Tumblr app on Android or iOS pretty easily.

Step 1: On the Tumblr mobile app, tap the Account icon. On the next screen, tap the cog-shaped Settings icon.

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Step 2: Tap the option labeled General, then tap Filter.

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Step 3: Tap the +New option, then enter the tag you want to filter in the pop-up box. Repeat for any other tags you want to block, then return to the dashboard.

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Unfollow annoying blogs

Sometimes, you can get tons of nasty posts just because you followed the wrong blog. And obviously, you can’t just rely on tag filtering to stop seeing them. So why not consider unfollowing the blog? That’s it or miss out on better posts carrying similar tags from other blogs.

If you’re brave enough to make that decision, then just click on the blog’s username from within a post. You will then see the blog load to the side of the dashboard. Just click Unfollow, and you’ll be fine.

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Well-equipped for your console

The ability to filter or block tags is one of the best yet relatively unknown features on Tumblr. Once you’ve added some of the worst tags out there, you no longer have to worry about seeing stupid or unexpected posts on your dashboard. What are you waiting for? Start blocking them cards!

Categories: How to

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